Michael Waldman
Michael Waldman
Top Movie Crew
Billion Pound Bond StreettrueDirecting
Stephen Fry's Key to the CitytrueProduction
Stephen Fry's Key to the CitytrueDirecting
A Queen Is CrownedtrueDirecting
Camilla's Country LifetrueProduction
Camilla's Country LifetrueDirecting
The Billion Dollar Art HunttrueDirecting
The Scandalous Adventures of Lord ByrontrueDirecting
The Mysterious Mr. LagerfeldtrueDirecting
My Shakespeare: Romeo & Juliet for a New GenerationtrueDirecting
50 Shades of GaytrueDirecting
Barenboim on Beethoven: Nine Symphonies that Changed the WorldtrueDirecting
In Louboutin's ShoestrueDirecting
The Last DukestrueProduction
The Last DukestrueDirecting
The Day John Lennon DiedtrueProduction
The Day John Lennon DiedtrueDirecting
Thames WallahtrueDirecting