Otmar Gutmann
Otmar Gutmann
Top Movie Crew
Pingu: Meet PingutrueDirecting
Lucy, the Menace of StreettrueVisual Effects
...and again that Lucy!trueVisual Effects
Pingu: Meet PingutrueWriting
Pingu's BirthdaytrueWriting
Pingu: Playtime with PingutrueWriting
Pingu in the City Hanataba wo okuroutrueWriting
Pingu in the City PINGU.STAR CHEF NI NARUtrueWriting
pingu in the city YUUBINNHAITATU HA OOSAWAGI!trueWriting
Pingu at the Wedding PartytrueWriting
Pingu: Chillin' with PingutrueWriting
Pingu: Pingu Learns A LessontrueWriting
Pingu: Antarctic AnticstrueWriting
Pingu: Breaks The IcetrueWriting