Cris Morena
Cris Morena
Top Movie Cast
Two Crazy Privates 3true- Mónica Two Crazy Privatestrue- Mónica Top Movie Crew
"Casi Ángeles" Live From the Gran Rex TheatertrueCrew
"Casi Ángeles" in the Gran Rex Theater 2007trueDirecting
TeenAngels: El Adios 3DtrueProduction
"Casi Ángeles" in the Gran Rex Theater 2007trueSound
Escape to IndiatrueProduction
Erreway: 4 caminostrueWriting
Chiquititas: Rincón de LuztrueWriting
Erreway: 4 caminostrueCrew
Erreway: 4 caminostrueSound
Flinderella in the theatertrueDirecting
Flinderella in the theatertrueProduction
Flinderella in the theatertrueWriting
Flinderella: Princess of the TerracetrueDirecting
Flinderella: Princess of the TerracetrueWriting
Margarita: AcoustictrueDirecting
Margarita: AcoustictrueProduction
Profile Images
InfoVote: 1
Size: 2000x3000
InfoVote: 2
Size: 720x1080