Tony Wharmby
Tony Wharmby
Top Movie Crew
Agatha Christie's Seven Dials MysterytrueProduction
Agatha Christie's Seven Dials MysterytrueDirecting
Why Didn't They Ask Evans?trueDirecting
Wild JusticetrueDirecting
The Rockford Files: Godfather Knows BesttrueDirecting
Treacherous CrossingtrueDirecting
The Kissing PlacetrueDirecting
The Kissing PlacetrueWriting
The Secret AdversarytrueDirecting
Doris and DoreentrueProduction
Seduced by EviltrueDirecting
The Rockford Files: Shoot-Out at the Golden PagodatrueDirecting
One Fine DaytrueProduction
Sorry, Wrong NumbertrueDirecting
Why Didn't They Ask Evans?trueProduction
Memories of ManontrueDirecting
Coins in the FountaintrueDirecting
Afternoon OfftrueProduction