Jan Haft
Jan Haft
Top Movie Crew
The Norwegian Fjords: Life in the TwilightstrueDirecting
Seeadler - Der Vogel PhönixtrueDirecting
Homeland NaturetrueDirecting
Homeland NaturetrueEditing
Homeland NaturetrueCamera
Kinder der Sonne - Unsere SchmetterlingetrueDirecting
Wolves: Power of the PacktrueCamera
Im Wald der wilden BienentrueDirecting
Die Nordsee - Unser MeertrueDirecting
The Green PlanettrueDirecting
Biene Majas wilde SchwesterntrueWriting
Biene Majas wilde SchwesterntrueDirecting
Magie der MooretrueDirecting
Magie der MooretrueWriting
White WintertrueDirecting
Poppy's Promise: Secret Life in a CornfieldtrueDirecting
Echoes of the Ice AgetrueCrew
Echoes of the Ice AgetrueDirecting
Echoes of the Ice AgetrueWriting
One in a ThousandtrueDirecting
One in a ThousandtrueWriting
Magie der MooretrueCamera
The Story of the Saffron ButterflytrueDirecting
Wild SlovakiatrueDirecting
Magical Iceland: Living on the World's Largest Volcanic IslandtrueEditing
Wild Bees and ButterfliestrueDirecting
Steinadler - König der BergetrueDirecting
Die Wiese: Ein Paradies nebenantrueDirecting
Die Wiese: Ein Paradies nebenantrueProduction
The Hidden Life of TreestrueCamera
Magical Iceland: Living on the World's Largest Volcanic IslandtrueWriting
Magical Iceland: Living on the World's Largest Volcanic IslandtrueDirecting
Wild Bees and ButterfliestrueWriting
Die Wiese: Ein Paradies nebenantrueWriting
Kingdom of the ForesttrueDirecting
The Green PlanettrueWriting
The Green PlanettrueProduction
The Green PlanettrueCamera
Magical Iceland: Living on the World's Largest Volcanic IslandtrueCamera
One in a ThousandtrueCamera