Matteo Rovere
Matteo Rovere
Top Movie Crew
My Body Will Bury YoutrueProduction
A Breath of Fresh AirtrueProduction
The First KingtrueWriting
The First KingtrueWriting
Husband & WifetrueProduction
Capitan DidiertrueProduction
Onoda: 10,000 Nights in the JungletrueProduction
The Hanging SuntrueProduction
Volesse il cielo!trueDirecting
I Can Quit Whenever I Want 2: MasterclasstrueProduction
A Dark StorytrueProduction
The VoyagerstrueProduction
Mixed by ErrytrueProduction
Italian RacetrueDirecting
Un gioco da ragazzetrueWriting
Oggi gira cosìtrueProduction
The Pills: Sempre meglio che lavoraretrueProduction
I Can Quit Whenever I WanttrueProduction
Homo homini lupustrueDirecting
Homo homini lupustrueWriting
Un gioco da ragazzetrueDirecting
Portrait Of My FathertrueProduction
The Ice ForesttrueProduction
Almost ParadisetrueProduction
Indagine su una storia d'amoretrueProduction
Like Sheep Among WolvestrueProduction
I Can Quit Whenever I Want 3: Ad HonoremtrueProduction
La bella stagionetrueProduction
Sei fratellitrueProduction
Diva FuturatrueProduction
La coda del diavolotrueProduction
Just Like My SontrueProduction
The First KingtrueDirecting
Ovunque ProteggimitrueProduction
The First KingtrueProduction
An Almost Ordinary SummertrueProduction
The Bad PoettrueProduction
Rose IslandtrueProduction
The ChampiontrueProduction
Blackout LovetrueProduction
Marilyn's EyestrueProduction
Carosello CarosonetrueProduction
With or Without YoutrueProduction
I Am Not What I Am - The Tragedy of Othello by W. ShakespearetrueProduction
Feliz NavidadtrueProduction
Pietro Germi - The Good, The Beautiful and The BadtrueProduction