Sérgio Machado
Sérgio Machado
Top Movie Cast
Four for Nonetrue- Monike Caveira Top Movie Crew
Central StationtrueProduction
Behind the SuntrueWriting
The Two Deaths of Quincas WateryelltrueDirecting
The Two Deaths of Quincas WateryelltrueWriting
The Two Deaths of Quincas WateryelltrueWriting
Alice Especial, Part 2: The Last NighttrueDirecting
Alice Especial, Part 2: The Last NighttrueWriting
The Violin TeachertrueDirecting
At the Edge of the EarthtrueDirecting
River of DesiretrueWriting
The Invisible CollectiontrueWriting
River of DesiretrueProduction
Central StationtrueDirecting
A Luta do SéculotrueDirecting
The Violin TeachertrueWriting
Behind the SuntrueProduction
O Sal da VidatrueDirecting
Troca de CabeçatrueWriting
Troca de CabeçatrueDirecting
The Prince CharmingtrueWriting
The Prince CharmingtrueDirecting
Neojiba - Música Que TransformatrueWriting
At the Edge of the EarthtrueWriting
Neojiba - Música Que TransformatrueDirecting
River of DesiretrueDirecting
3 Obás de XangôtrueDirecting
3 Obás de XangôtrueWriting
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