In his first comedy special the Flemish comedian Pieter Verelst tells a bizarre story about his childhood, which he spent with his brother (existing or not) in a boring village in Flanders. Together they tackle this dullness and use it as a source of inspiration for a strange creativity.
Registration of the theater program of the same name by the Dutch musical theater duo (Thomas) Acda and (Paul) de Munnik. The program was an anthology from their previous three programs.
Registration of the fourth theatre program by the Dutch comedian Claudia de Breij.
TV registration of the second theatre program by the Dutch comedian Claudia de Breij. A show about the Original Sin.
Registration of the seventh solo show by the Dutch comedian Pieter Derks.
Registration of the fifth theatre program by the Dutch comedy duo (Erik) van Muiswinkel and (Diederik) van Vleuten. Two old friends meet in a Dutch park.
After five theatre programs, the comedy duo (Erik) van Muiswinkel and (Diederik) van Vleuten performed one more time with an anthology from their previous programs.
Registration of the second theatre program by the Dutch comedy duo (Erik) van Muiswinkel and (Diederik) van Vleuten. In their first program, the two comedians limited themselves to the earth and the strange peoples who inhabit it. In their second program they expand their explorations into the world of the unseen, where they test their strength with astrologers, illusionists, millennium preachers and similar figures. What mechanisms drive people to believe in supernatural madness, and to derive pleasure and comfort from it? Have we made any progress in the twentieth century? If Darwin, Freud and Einstein opened humanity's eyes, then a hundred years later there will be enough volunteers to close them again. Van Muiswinkel and Van Vleuten argue about it for a long time during this performance.
Stage registration of the seventh comedy special 'Troosten' by the Dutch comedian Jochen Otten. His inability to make his daughter stop crying was the reason for Otten to make this performance about emotions. How can you reach someone's emotions.
Theo Maassen puts his teeth in his first-ever New Year's conference. Twelve months, 52 weeks, 365 days, reduced to 70 nerve-wracking minutes. Maassen asked young super talent Tim Fransen for help writing this conference, his favorite band Stuurbaard Bakkebaard will accompany him.
Jandino Asporaat riffs on the challenges of raising kids and serenades the audience with a rousing rendition of "Sex on Fire" in his comedy show.
The Dutch musical comedians Theo Nijland, Maarten van Roozendaal, Jeroen van Merwijk and Kees Torn sing and play a selection of their songs to promote the Dutch theater song.
The Dutch comedian Hans Sibbel ('Lebbis') tackles some of the more absurd aspects of our capitalist world and the importance of finding truly meaningful experiences.
Live broadcast from Tilburg, where Marc-Marie Huijbregts talks about the highlights of 2018.
The Lord sends his archangel Raphael to earth to finish some unresolved matters. Raphael ends up in Amsterdam and gets entangled in local troubles, including womenemancipation, secularisation and the impending restructuring of the city center. The musical alludes to local, then topical issues. This musical was on the occasion of the seven hundredth anniversary of the city of Amsterdam, and loosely based on 'Gijsbrecht van Aemstel', the 17th-century history play by Joost van den Vondel.
In her first show Jasperina de Jong sings songs about Sibylle, the last striptease dancer, about a Bach concert with a Woodstock vibe, about a nunnery where everyone gets addicted to mind-altering substances, about a provincial girl who travels to Amsterdam, and many more.