The fourth in a school romantic comedy that features a popular comic by Kazuto Okada starring Ayaka Morikawa and Ryouma Baba. One day, a love letter arrives under the Japanese language teacher, Tairaku Arihiko, at Otome High School. Around the same time, an incident occurred around the student, Aya Shirakaba, who was living with him...
In 16th century Japan, peasants Genjuro and Tobei sell their earthenware pots to a group of soldiers in a nearby village, in defiance of a local sage's warning against seeking to profit from warfare. Genjuro's pursuit of both riches and the mysterious Lady Wakasa, as well as Tobei's desire to become a samurai, run the risk of destroying both themselves and their wives, Miyagi and Ohama.
Hama-chan and his wife are ecstatic about their long-awaited pregnancy. Meanwhile, Su-san's nephew joins Hama-chan's department at the company.
Betrayed and disgraced, big-city reporter Kazuya Mizuno is banished to a desk at Kaname's boring little town newspaper. But Kaname isn't as boring as it seems on the surface. Not with characters around like Shimeko, a girl genius with a childlike lack of propriety, and her ace fisherman/folk-singer dad. Or the overbearing and unpleasant local Shinto priest, a former Christian cultist. Or Endo, Kazuya's new colleague, a bitter drunk after his son's suicide. Or Kin, a former terrorist, now a hermit on his boat engaging in secret "research." Or perhaps most importantly Teruko, the hypnotically beautiful bar owner, the focus of all manner of innuendo and intrigue. Something mysterious, even mystical, is going on Kaname, and hapless Kazuya is about to be thrown into the middle of it.
23-year-old comic book artist Yuma, physically disabled due to profound cerebral palsy and emotionally stunted by her well-meaning but overly protective mother, forges her own unusual path to sexual awakening and independence while at the same time discovering love and forgiveness.
A submissive hooker goes about her trade, suffering abuse at the hands of Japanese salarymen and Yakuza types. She's unhappy about her work, and is apparently trying to find some sort of appeasement for the fact that her lover has married.
The legendary one-eyed one-armed swordsman Tange Sazen is back to aid a Magistrate in his efforts to steal bribe money on its way to Edo for the benefit to poor farmers.
The Yamadas are a typical middle class Japanese family in urban Tokyo and this film shows us a variety of episodes of their lives. With tales that range from the humorous to the heartbreaking, we see this family cope with life's little conflicts, problems, and joys in their own way.
To battle a malicious monster, five women are gathered in front of Commander Charles against their will. The five women are selected because they each have a family name that represents a color. The five women are filled with doubts about what they are able to do collectively, but they go up against the monster using their lethal technique "Women Tornado". The five women can only use the "Women Tornado" when they are all gathered together.
Based on a real story during WWII where Japanese naval soldiers met Italians who were in the submarine Comandante Cappellini used to transport strategic materials to and from Japan.
Keigo Sayama, a secret male high school student who always hides his face with a mask, becomes angry when his classmate Tsuzuru Saikawa forcibly removes his mask. From that day on, Saikawa somehow fell in love with him, and in return for teaching him his lessons, he decided to "make him like what was under the mask"... "I don't want to fall in love with a masked boy" The contents of the first volume of the comic include: The long-awaited anime adaptation includes original scenes supervised by author Mitsuru Sango.
The Ganso and Honke are two medical wholesalers which have had a long history of exchanges. They were originally a wholesaler set up by Tokiya Manemon who invented a drug. After he fell ill, he imparted the formula to his two beloved disciples. But the two were at loggerheads and the enmity between them caused a split into two factions, the ‘original’ (Ganso) and the ‘originator’ (Honke). One day, an incident finally occurred. Kiichiro (Endo Kaname), the eldest son of the Honke, launched an attack on the young master of the Ganso, Nagahiko (Oshinari Shugo).
One evening, Princess Sakura is attacked by a man. At that time, the Princess could not see his face. and only sees a tattoo on his body. Because of that that night, Princess Sakura falls in love with the man. In order to find the man she gives up everything and gets the same identical tattoo. The princess then works as a prostitute. Meanwhile Gonsuke is the man who attacked Princess Sakura. He also stole a scroll and, because of that, he is chased by assassins.
In feudal Japan, during a bloody war between clans, two cowardly and greedy peasants, soldiers of a defeated army, stumble upon a mysterious man who guides them to a fortress hidden in the mountains.
The music industry becomes a battlefield when ancient strategist Kongming is transported from historical China to modern Japan. He'll use military tactics to turn his new friend Eiko into a music star, and together they'll take the party hotspot of Shibuya by storm!
Yuki's family is nearly wiped out before she is born due to the machinations of a band of criminals. These criminals kidnap and brutalize her mother but leave her alive. Later her mother ends up in prison with only revenge to keep her alive. She creates an instrument for this revenge by purposefully getting pregnant. Yuki never knows the love of a family but only killing and revenge.
In a small Tokyo apartment, twelve-year-old Akira must care for his younger siblings after their mother leaves them and shows no sign of returning.
An older Nopporn looks at a simple painting and recollects the story behind it. As a young student in Japan, he once met and fell in love with Kirati, who was unhappily married to an older man.
A self-indulgent private investigator winds up on a cruise ship full of rich patrons, gorgeous women, murderous terrorists, and scarce food.
Their parents are dead. They should be sad, but they can't cry. So they form a kick-ass band. This is the story of four 13-year-olds in search of their emotions.