This biopic tells the true story of Korean boxer Kim Deuk-gu. Born into poverty, Kim used boxing to free himself from his bleak surroundings, eventually becoming the world's top lightweight. Tragically, Kim's life was cut short when he died from a blood clot in his brain during a championship fight with Ray Boom Boom Mancini.
Jed is on the brink of leaving the Philippines to join his family in America when a run-in with the perfect woman, Angie, changes everything. A speedy proposal sends both families reeling and sets the stage for a rocky marriage.
A blocked writer tries desperately to create an ending for his latest script.
Threatening letters, phone calls in the middle of the night... Who is threatening engineer Stamatiad?
A home movie made by Robbins and Meg Barstow that documents their family's free trip to the newly opened Disneyland. The one-week trip was a prize that they won in a contest sponsored by Scotch tape.
Criminals aboard a train to the infamous penitentiary plot an escape, and receive outside help in their attempt.
Prostitutes of old age make their living in Praça da Luz, in São Paulo. Unusual and surprising accounts of five women who reveal in detail their experiences in all these years of profession.
The film is set against the backdrop of the Algerian War. A determined French commander, who believes Algeria belongs to France, must deal with a soldier who rebels when asked to execute an Algerian freedom fighter. The finale is set in the blistering desert as the soldier seeks to escape
Everglow begins with the cute struggle of Kyung-hoon (Ji Hyun-woo), who visited Jeju to make a documentary about Jin-ok (Ko Doo-sim), a female diver. Kyunghoon’s work becomes a sincere mission for the souls buried in the deep sea and mountains.
Jenifa finds her world turned upside down when a new neighbor arrives, winning over the community with his seemingly charitable deeds. As she strives to maintain her authenticity and the trust of those around her, she is drawn into a web of rivalry, unexpected betrayals, and a drug-related controversy that threatens to upend her life. With her signature wit and resilience, Jenifa must navigate the chaos while staying true to who she is.
Steve Lucas is a nineteen year old who is filled with the burning resentment of being forced to live in his brother's shadow. His brother Adam, is burdened by his father's desire for glory, and must win The Coolangatta Gold Tri-Aquathon, It is the greatest endurance test of them all: a marathon involving a 20 kilometer beach run, 6 kilometer swim and a 17 kilometer surf ski from Surfers Paradise along the golden arc of beach to Coolangatta and back to the start. The Coolangatta Gold is a story of human endeavor and endurance against overwhelming odds.
This movie shows what happens after people are abducted by Aliens (ETs) in space.
Devastated by a recent loss, Jayne's perseverance is tested by her nuisance husband as she attempts to complete her jigsaw, but as pieces start disappearing she must solve a far more complex puzzle; one she may not like the answer to.
Fanny is the wife of Ben Webster, a trapper, and while he is an affectionate and dutiful husband, she yearns for something which appears better than her lot. She reasons: "Have I not youth and beauty and attainments far above this environment? Why should I be compelled to toil and struggle in this wilderness?"