The story revolves around a pachinko parlor worker named Shiori (Aoi) and her aspiring musician boyfriend, Tetsu. The two of them travel from Kyushu to Tokyo together and struggle to stay afloat while Tetsu chases his dream. Tetsu’s younger brother eventually shows up and the two brothers form a duo and start to play some shows together. Later, Shiori gets recruited as a gravure idol while Tetsu gets involved with a local yakuza and cheats on Shiori with another woman. Tetsu continues loving Shiori, but big city life gradually tears them apart.
The story revolves around a pachinko parlor worker named Shiori (Aoi) and her aspiring musician boyfriend, Tetsu. The two of them travel from Kyushu to Tokyo together and struggle to stay afloat while Tetsu chases his dream. Tetsu’s younger brother eventually shows up and the two brothers form a duo and start to play some shows together. Later, Shiori gets recruited as a gravure idol while Tetsu gets involved with a local yakuza and cheats on Shiori with another woman. Tetsu continues loving Shiori, but big city life gradually tears them apart.
Two lovers are walking through totally separate path of life. Will their love continue?
The extreme play of the wild woman "Kalbi," who seeks sex just by instinct like an animal. The climax of lust that unfolds not only on the bed, but also on the street without worrying about other people's eyes, is truly the most powerful of the series.
A wealthy man suffers from impotence whenever he tries to make love to his wife. Since Viagara hadn't been invented yet, his swinging liberal doctor instead recommends a strong dose of infidelity. Before long he is rolling in the hay with a young lovely and needless to say his impotence problem is cured (it's amazing that he doesn't have a heart attack though). His wife is a little bitter, however, and decides to embark on her own affair. And if you're wondering with whom, well, just look at the title.
An employee at the French Embassy in Bangkok invites his wife to join him – and enjoy the benefits of their open marriage.
Two women, Tokiko, a ceramic artist, and her apprentice, Haruka, are in a relationship. The couple is not an intrinsic lesbian, but they fell for each other by chance.
From a window of a mansion overlooking the sea a woman, her master and a dominatrix hungrily eye a lone woman walking along on the beach below. With a whip and a manservant the dominatrix goes out to collect the new “slave” for the pleasure of all.
Hanako, the editor-in-chief of a fashion web magazine, is shocked by the splendid crotch of a new employee, Itaya. In order to succeed at Itaya, Hanako enlists the help of Momoko, an actress who is Hanako's college classmate and who is a big fan of Hanako's.
A woman is interrogated by a young detective for a crime. Much to his discomfort the woman confesses the steamy details of her erotic life.
Two private detectives investigate cases of young men of rich parentage getting abducted and raped until a ransom is paid.
A beautiful new teacher, with ambitions to become an educator, goes to a school called "Lust High School," which is a very lewd and unpleasant school. She uses her body to sooth the sexual troubles of her students and herself.
A female hair stylist is torn between two lovers as she waits for treatment in a gynecological ward. She meets the other patients who are there and gets to know their stories.
One day, a man who is sexually impotent (only with his wife) ends up switching places with a sex counselor who looks exactly like him. Depicts a "love story" between husbands and wives with a lot of twists and turns.
Laura abandons her peaceful life as a doctor to avenge her sister, who was cheated by a band of pornographers who drugged her to film her rape.
An aimless and lonely call girl becomes involved with a detective who is looking for a underage runaway.
A struggling single mother catches the eye of a rising executive and gains power and wealth as his mistress. But beware, power is fleeting.
Two female lovers meet in a college class. After graduation, they run a temp company which is the front for a detective agency dealing in blackmail information.
Okuyama is a stocker at the supermarket who has no luck with women. His life is thrown upside down when his sister Noriko unexpectedly moves into his small apartment. Okuyama is overcome with lustful thoughts for her, but she regards him simply as a brother.
The story of a noble femme fatale in 1941 in Japan.
A young executive has a really bad night after an encounter with a crazed bisexual wannabe yakuza and his horny girlfriend.
Yuko is a sexy club singer that used to live with her lover. One day, her lover died in a traffic accident. Yuko is overwhelmed with sorrow, but a man who claims to be her lover's brother suddenly appears, causing a confrontation over the remains. In addition, the manager of the apartment where Yuko lives joins in, and it develops into a big commotion.