The first solo program by the Dutch cabaret artist Harrie Jekkers. Jekkers tells and sings about dual earners, and visits a vintage coffee tent in The Hague where workers solve all world problems.
The first solo program by the Dutch cabaret artist Harrie Jekkers. Jekkers tells and sings about dual earners, and visits a vintage coffee tent in The Hague where workers solve all world problems.
In this duo theatre program, the two old friends and frequent collaborators Harrie Jekkers and Koos Meinderts tell about their friendship and the songs they wrote together.
EHBO, is mij lust en mijn leven' Een stoplicht springt op rood, een ander weer op groen: in Almelo is altijd wat te doen'. een van de meest bekende uitspraken van Herman Finkers. Herman Finkers houdt zich sinds 1979 bezig met het bedenken en uitvoeren van theaterprogramma's. Zijn programma's laten zich moeilijk omschrijven. Het best werd hij waarschijnlijk omschreven in het Utrechts Nieuwsblad: 'meester van de dubbele clou"geestige overdaad die niet schaadt', 'subliem slap gelul' EHBO is mijn lust en mijn leven is het vierde programma van Herman Finkers, opgenomen in de Leidse Schouwburg.
Hami Nepali Hami Gorkhali is a Nepali music video story about Gurkha people
A mute French orphan goes on a journey to fix her superstitious guardian's magical mirror which changes her life forever.
Documentary directed by Tom Kleespie inspired from Korean War veterans who recall memories both painful and patriotic, putting a human face on an often forgotten conflict. Stories include wartime recollections, such as one soldier's first moments seeing a MiG fighter up close, and veterans' often-tragic experiences returning home, where Americans largely neglected to welcome them back.
"M" is an initial of my little bird "Mystic". "Dedicated to M" is a work that was dedicated to my dear little bird. I will break the shell of the human soul. I have a sexual relationship with "M" in the time of eternity.
An introduction to the work of graphic artist M.C. Escher.
A father hires an attractive live-in tutor to help teach his son to be more confident around women. Comedy ensues when both father and son fall for her and attempt to sabotage each other’s attempts at romance.
Abigail Harm is a woman living in a fictionalized New York City, who, after being granted a wish by a strange visitor, asks for love and learns of a creature who might provide it. Inspired by the Korean folktale "The Woodcutter and the Nymph.
Serials usually spawned feature film versions, but with this film, it was the other way around. A 1932 Buck Jones Western, White Eagle was made into a serial nine years later, again starring Jones in the title role, a (supposedly) Native American Pony Express Rider defending his people against a gang of evil Whites.
Are you ready for an adventure? Travel back to 1773 to witness the beginning of the Ameri-canine revolution! In Pups of Liberty: The Boston Tea-Bone Party, you'll see the real people of the American Revolution portrayed by cats and dogs. Watch as Spaniel Adams and Paul Ruffere help organize the Pups of Liberty to protest the new taxes imposed on them by the Royal Tomcat and insist on "No Laws Without Paws!"
Things are starting to change when a group of mysterious teens move into the small town of Spoon River. All of a sudden, people in the neighborhood are starting to come down with an unexplained disease. In spite of this, one girl is intrigued by the spirits that embraces the newcomers. Will her curiosity be the death of her?
Slip and the gang (Bowery Boys) foil foes of the exiled, incognito king of Truania (Sig Ruman).
The Wiener Philharmoniker mounts, and Andrea Breth stages, this 2007 production of Pyotr Illych Tchaikovsky's opera Eugene Onegin, starring Peter Mattei, Joseph Kaiser, Anna Samuil and Renée Morloc. The Konzertvereinigung Wiener Staatsopernchor lends added musical accompaniment, under the baton of Daniel Barenboim.
In a stark, black-and-white world, no man is different until one of them loses his hat in a revolving door. He, alone among his fellows, now has a naked head
A ruthless killer (Gary Hudson), hell bent for revenge, escapes prison and vows to kill the Texas Ranger (Sam Jones) who sent him there. With the aid of his two brothers, he set off on an explosive journey to make his tormentor pay the ultimate price, a slow tortuous death.
Beautiful alien Amazonian women plan to conquer the world using an army of vegetable monsters. Dim-witted privates Philbrick and Penn bumble into a cave in search of atomic activity but collide instead with fierce carrot-topped tree mutants and their leaders, the 7-foot space sirens Prof. Tanga and Dr. Puna. This lavishly low-budget sci-fi romp has the bodacious aliens planning to overrun Earth with their vege-men army, but first they want the G.I.s to explain the meaning of love.
A family on a small farm tries to live as usual even though there is a violent coup in the country. The threat is constantly present.
Tang Monk is a woman, and she was almost killed by Wukong XX when she went out, but fortunately, the spider spirit appeared immediately. After subduing Wukong, the two masters and apprentices immediately went on the road to Gao Laozhuang...
Na de dvd's 'Kaboom!' en de snoeiharde bevestiging met 'Morimos Solamente' is Alex Agnew toe aan zijn derde stand-up-comedy-theaterregistratie DVD: 'More Human Than Human'.Agnew is uniek. Grover, gewaagder en vooral grappiger dan ooit. Geen enkel onderwerp is veilig. Lichtgeraakte mensen wezen gewaarschuwd: Alex Agnew balanceert altijd op het randje. Wie de Alex Agnew verwacht die geluidjes maakt, zal verrast zijn. Agnew speelt meer in op het publiek, brengt vaak meer doordachte humor en beperkt de human jukebox tot het minimum.Alex Agnew heeft één van de belangrijkste eigenschappen van een goede stand-up: charisma. Die sympathieke uitstraling in combinatie met zijn geniaal materiaal drijft het publiek keer op keer en in een razend snel tempo naar opeenvolgende lachsalvo's die pas stoppen als hij met een buiging het podium verlaat, wat gepaard gaat met een daverend applaus.
Haxel airport. Now Another small player between airports and New York JFK and Paris Orly. But the runway is almost a fact and the Hema found is willing to pick up the big red letters of the roof. Nothing is therefore a landing of Major discounters logged in the way. To Haxel Think big! Give nature back to the asphalt. A runway encountered on the way various pick-up points. Unique in Europe. Ter Haxel International Airport. Never hoof Laying Where Lies Netherlands. But then Tackle boys now. It is rumored that the first Boeing is already underway. And No Worries. A little lost kerosene Really not bad for your vegetable garden. Chest out and let all hell break but. Never save yourself. HE dying himself saves Gets No interest. That may immediately a tile.
Back in 2003, Alex Agnew was the first Belgian to win the prestigious 'Leids Cabaret Festival' in The Netherlands. He was the winner in both categories: Jury and public. Alex is a mixture of an English father, Belgian mother, an overdoses (action) movies, superheroes, comic books and a lot of music. No quiet, sophisticated humour, but proud to be loud! Rock'n'Roll comedy!
In dit tweede solo-programma komt hij nóg harder, nóg scherper en nóg pikanter uit de hoek. Gevoelige toeschouwers weze bij deze gewaarschuwd: geen huisje - heilig of niet -blijft overeind, geen thema onbenut. "Morimos Solamente" bevat geen theatrale structuur (heeft dat ook niet nodig), maar kan je best omschrijven als anderhalf uur fantastisch verbaal geweld. "The World According To Alex Agnew" dus…
Maassen won two of the biggest comedy contests in the Netherlands in 1990, the Groninger Studenten Cabaret Festival(GSCF), and Cameretten. The GSCF jury was not pleased with the quality of the contestants that year, and gave Maassen the first prize, remarking he was the best of the year, but still not very good. In the following years, however, Maassen fame grew steadily, especially amongst students. Maassens style was based on stand-up comedy: Alone on stage, telling jokes and stories to amuse the public, without any musical support (a thing common for most Dutch comedians up to that point). Since 2000, Maassens shows are shown on Dutch national television, making him more and more a household name.
Maassen won two of the biggest comedy contests in the Netherlands in 1990, the Groninger Studenten Cabaret Festival(GSCF), and Cameretten. The GSCF jury was not pleased with the quality of the contestants that year, and gave Maassen the first prize, remarking he was the best of the year, but still not very good. In the following years, however, Maassen fame grew steadily, especially amongst students. Maassens style was based on stand-up comedy: Alone on stage, telling jokes and stories to amuse the public, without any musical support (a thing common for most Dutch comedians up to that point).
Mind you is the fourth theater of the Dutch comedian Hans Teeuwen. He performed the show in 2001. The last show was filmed in 2002 and aired on television, the same year that the show on CD and DVD published. It's Teeuwen's most famous and most frequently quoted show. He takes everything on the heel, including racism, blacks, world religions, AIDS patients, women, Jostiband and the Queen of the Netherlands.
De DVD van ‘Droog’ is dé manier om kennis te maken met de aanstekelijke humor van PhilippeGeubels of om nog eens na te genieten van een prachtige avond live stand-up comedy.De DVD bevat de integrale zaalshow, plus unieke opnames achter de schermen en een compilatie van de grappigste momenten die Philippe’s diverse tv- en andere optredens opleverden.Een absolutemust in de collectie van elke humorliefhebber!
Registration of the sixt theatre program by the Dutch comedian Theo Maassen.
Theo Maassen is back. In all its anger, indignation, amazement about so much stupidity and lack of empathy in society, and advocates understanding and reconciliation.
Registration of the fourth theatre program by the Dutch comedian Theo Maassen.
The first solo show of Dutch comedian Hans Teeuwen, the comedian is super-nervous and tells sad stories about past unfortunate love, loneliness and prejudice, accompanied solely by him playing the piano.He also tells tales about a fox, a scarecow, the young girl and the Seven Turkish an the Bible.
The second show of Dutch comedian Hans Teeuwen: sex, violence and foul language in a string of songs, abrupt transitions and evocative characterizations.
In his third theatre program the Dutch comedian Hans Teeuwen plays with empty wine bottles, little girls and himself. Poetic, absurd, false and genuine.
Destressing? Do that at home, will you! In 'Adéhadé', everything goes in overdrive, with many Dutch celebrity impressions.