Stop-motion experimental short where two men communicate with one another, talk on the telephone, smoke cigarettes, and contort themselves. Produced 1987 and released in 1988 on the VHS compilation Fat of the Land, released via Factory Records video imprint IKON. "Here is the first tape of a new British cinema which should be seen by everyone who loves film. The official British cinema is truly dead, alive only in admens bought dreams. This is the way to go."- Derek Jarman
Stop-motion experimental short where two men communicate with one another, talk on the telephone, smoke cigarettes, and contort themselves. Produced 1987 and released in 1988 on the VHS compilation Fat of the Land, released via Factory Records video imprint IKON. "Here is the first tape of a new British cinema which should be seen by everyone who loves film. The official British cinema is truly dead, alive only in admens bought dreams. This is the way to go."- Derek Jarman
i got to meet mario and i really rally love mario and i think mario would easily defeat sonic the hedgehog in a fight and would make a great choice as the new president of america thank you for watching my video
As a working bellboy in 1946, Carl yearns for more. When world-renowned director Charles Cameron steps into the hotel, he gives Carl an offer he can’t refuse. How far will Carl go to earn the appreciation that he deserves?
Mockumentary experimental film, which shows one day in the life of a young man. The action takes place on the Day of Soviet Cosmonautics, April 12, one of the last years of the USSR. Outside the window, it is gradually getting warmer, the onset of spring is felt, promising hope for the possibility of changes in the country. The hero of the film is fond of space. The young man, who idolizes Gagarin, is engaged in reconstruction, making the uniform in which the cosmonaut walked in the prime of his glory. Our hero is also a film enthusiast. He makes films with stories of space flights and shows them to his friends. The film is stylized as amateur films of the 1980s and was shot on a 16-mm color film made by the company" Svema", made in the Soviet Union. The quality of this film allows the viewer to fully immerse themselves in the atmosphere of the time of the film, which is dedicated to Soviet cosmonautics and Edward D. Wood Jr.
This experimental short film follows a used car salesman... or a politician... or a man painting a toilet red.
Dislocation in time, time signatures, time as a philosophical concept, and slavery to time are some of the themes touched upon in this 9-minute experimental film, which was written, directed, and produced by Jim Henson. Screened for the first time at the Museum of Modern Art in May of 1965, "Time Piece" enjoyed an eighteen-month run at one Manhattan movie theater and was nominated for an Academy Award for Outstanding Short Subject.
A dog wearing sunglasses, an artist struggling to find inspiration and a park.
A patient escapes from a lunatic asylum and encounters a woman being pursued by a seemingly indestructible maniacal goon employed by a mysterious mobster. He decides to help her, but nothing is what it seems. Not even the past.
Egglantine loves salt on her eggs. Eggbert prefers pepper. Who blinks first in this playful Easter ritual?
Amanda's stoner slumber party is put to a halt when one of her guests is nowhere to be found.
An experimental short film that follows a man who arrives home alone during the holidays after a long day of work. Finding himself consumed by his loneliness he looks for a way to escape.
This short experimental film tells the story of a man who comes to Hollywood to become a star, only to fail and be dehumanized. He is identified by the number 9413 written on his forehead.
When forest animals invade our cities, the world is in disarray. Office vixen Fiona struggles with her banana phone addiction. Will she succumb to it? Temperamental bunny Barbara only gives her stag sugar daddy Nestor his special massage, after he dines her and plays the big spender. This obscure short film pinpoints postmodern tropes of consumerism, eroticism, and art with an homage to the theater stage and references to literature. This work uses a fantasy language and needs no subtitles.
An experimental re-edit of Jack Frost, starring Michael Keaton.
A young boy creates a make believe world to escape his truth, a world where, at the water's edge, beneath the shade of an ancient tree, a mother forms a perimeter to protect herself and her child from an unspeakable darkness.
Unsatisfied photographer captures the photo of an eccentric homeless man. But, what seemed to be the answer to her lack of inspiration carries a much greater emotional responsibility.
A small Youtuber occasionally makes half ironic videos for few to see. A half narrative, half experimental view of the numb feeling of consuming endless amounts of content online instead of doing anything else, forever.
A troubled woman demonstrates how to bake whole grain, stone-milled sourdough bread.
A narcissistic fitness fanatic argues with his significant other over breakfast about who is the healthier of the two.