Based on the comedy manga by Abe Shuji, "Elite Yankee Saburo" tells the story of Ookochi Saburo (Ishiguro Hideo), a plain and shy boy entering high school. Unfortunately for him, his two older brothers had built a reputation as legendary troublemakers at that school. When Saburo arrives, he is immediately misunderstood and treated as an "elite yankee."
Every planet's energy is powered by its own Super Stone that lies in the center of its core. Each stone holds the key to maintaining the balance of all life. If the Super Stone is stolen or destroyed, the planet itself will crumble and crack into millions of pieces, floating through space!
12-year-old Jemma accidentally taps into a disused telecommunications satellite and finds she has audio-visual contact with other computers worldwide. With the help of electronics inventor, Sir Joshua Cranberry, she forms the Centauri Network, a worldwide crime fighting organisation of children who use their network to outwit a master villain, Neville Savage.
Baby Animals In The Wild is a humorous narration driven series based on a day in the life of a broad range of extremely cute baby animals from a wide variety of natural environments around the world
A web drama that portrays the modern days' mentality through those who have various syndromes.
The series tells the story of Dr. Nilüfer Toska, a dedicated psychiatrist with a special talent for helping troubled teens. For Dr. Nilüfer, there are no hopeless cases. Her unique understanding of the adolescent mind keeps her one step ahead of her colleagues. But Dr. Nilüfer’s genius carries a steep price. Despite her success, she is haunted by an awful secret that, if it ever came out, could ruin her career.
Explore important and disturbing questions concerning how innocent people become ensnared by evil, and how a tight-knit community survives when senseless crime pushes it past the breaking point.
Series based on tales of sailors, fishermen and people from the coasts and islands of Chile. The episodes revolve around a ghost ship called "Lucerna", where the living are indistinguishable from the dead.
Janina Ramirez discovers how monasteries shaped all aspects of medieval Britain and created a dazzling array of art, architecture and literature, a story of faith, sacrifice, violence and corruption.
Amalia is a South African television drama series created by Chris Barnard, directed by Katinka Heyns and produced by Sonneblom Films about an unsolved murder where all the inhabitants of a small town are suspects. The series is in Afrikaans, with English subtitles.
Will they be able to Tie the Knot? or Not? Briggs is a simple guy who never got a chance to fall in love because of his responsibilities in their bridal car business, then love finally struck when he met Shao. The problem is Shao is set to be wed with Louise because of an arranged marriage. Tie The Not is a story of sexual awakening and acceptance. It will teach you that true love is how we define it. That it is never too late to fall in love, and that true love is worth fighting for.
Admiral Yi Sun-shin, who led the Joseon Navy to a myth of invincibility during the Hideyoshi invasion, was a true soldier and leader who struggled to protect people. Drama Yi Sun-shin is not a biography of Admiral Yi Sun-shin, nor does it inetnd to reconstruct a part of the Joseon Dynasty that existed in the 16th century. This drama will merely look into many human beings, incliuding Yi Sun-shin, who underwent an extreme situation. It is not just a historical drama series. It’s rather about human nature that makes both of the war and peace. It is a Korean version of “War and Peace” in 21st century. No hero has ever been sent by heaven. He has emerged as one ultimately after undergoing a lifelong process. Drama Yi Sun-shin is designed to shed a new light upon him as a human being.
Two statues, a temple, a hanging garden, two tombs and a lighthouse. This selection of monuments became known as "The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World". There are probably few who could list them right away, are even fewer who know something about each of them or the reasons for which they were labeled as Wonders. Six of those seven were destroyed by forces of nature, or by human hand. Each episode in this series describes one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, and we see besides the monuments themselves the people who designed and built them, with the vision to create something wonderful.