An animated fantasy-comedy series that follows Luz, a self-assured teenage girl who accidentally stumbles upon a portal to a magical world where she befriends a rebellious witch, Eda, and an adorably tiny warrior, King. Despite not having magical abilities, Luz pursues her dream of becoming a witch by serving as Eda's apprentice at the Owl House and ultimately finds a new family in an unlikely setting.
In this reboot of the '80s series, a magic sword transforms an orphan girl into warrior She-Ra, who unites a rebellion to fight against evil.
The adventures of 13-year-old, self-centered Anne Boonchuy who is magically transported to the fictitious world of Amphibia, a rural marshland full of frog-people. With the help of an excitable young frog named Sprig, Anne will become a hero and discover the first true friendship of her life.
A satirical inversion of the ideal of the perfect American nuclear family, they are an eccentric wealthy family who delight in everything grotesque and macabre, and are never really aware that people find them bizarre or frightening. In fact, they themselves are often terrified by "normal" people.
Passengers on board the mysterious Infinity Train must explore a series of endless cars that each contain unique worlds and puzzles to solve in order to unravel the mysteries of the train - and within themselves - to open the doorway home.
A young boy takes his mother's place in a group of gemstone-based beings, and must learn to control his powers.
Twin brother and sister Dipper and Mabel Pines are in for an unexpected adventure when they spend the summer helping their great uncle Stan run a tourist trap in the mysterious town of Gravity Falls, Oregon.
Clarence Buttowski, a young boy, aspires to become the world's greatest daredevil, as he gets help from Gunther, his loyal friend and partner-in-crime.
A group of teen girls from different backgrounds must fight for survival after a plane crash strands them on a deserted island. The castaways both clash and bond as they learn more about each other, the secrets they keep, and the traumas they've all endured. But there’s just one twist… these girls did not end up on this island by accident.
A foul-mouthed high school basketball coach is sure he'll hit the big leagues if he can only turn his terrible team around. Good luck with that.
A sheltered girl gets a crash course in survival when a mutant attack sends her to the surface, far from the safety of her underground home.
Fearless, free-spirited Hilda finds new friends, adventure and magical creatures when she leaves her enchanted forest home and journeys to the city.
In this series of cartoon shorts, Mickey Mouse finds himself in silly situations all around the world! From New York to Paris to Tokyo, Mickey experiences new adventures with his friends!
The future-fantasy world of Remnant is filled with ravenous monsters, treacherous terrain, and more villains than you can shake a sniper-scythe at. Fortunately, Beacon Academy is training Huntsmen and Huntresses to battle the evils of the world, and Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang are ready for their first day of class.
Chilean television show which takes the form of a mock news broadcast, and is fronted by puppets who present various items.
Following his father's death, 15-year-old Eli Shane embraces his destiny to follow in his dad's footsteps to a secret, subterranean world called Slugterra where he is determined to be the greatest Slugslinging hero of them all!
Like most 15-year-olds, Duncan can see adulthood on the horizon: money, freedom, cars and girls; but the reality is more like: always being broke, driving with one's mom sitting shotgun and babysitting one's sister. He's not exceptional, but he has a wild imagination in which he's never anything less than amazing.
Marinette and Adrien, two Parisian teenagers, are entrusted with powerful jewels in order to transform into superheroes Ladybug and Cat Noir. But neither hero knows the other's true identity — or that they're classmates!
If there's danger or trouble, Kim Possible is there on the double to save the world from villains... and still make it home in time for cheerleading practice! Luckily, Kim has her sidekick Ron Stoppable and his pet naked mole-rat Rufus by her side.
In the late 19th century, the British Empire nobility reigns while its working class suffers at their hands. Sympathetic to their plight, William James Moriarty wants to topple it all. Frustrated by the systemic inequity, Moriarty strategizes to fix the entire nation. Not even consulting detective Sherlock Holmes can stand in his way. It’s time for crime to revolutionize the world!
Metal Family follows the daily lives of Glam and Victoria, two metal fans that fell in love and had two children together, Dee and Heavy.