10+2 is a children's animated series from Catalonia, produced by Accio Studios and Victory Media Group, and directed by Miquel Pujol i Lozano. The show debuted in 1994, and as of September 2013 can be seen on Germany's KI.KA.
Gardening Australia provides practical, realistic and credible horticultural and gardening advice, inspiring and entertaining Australian gardeners around the nation.
Online dating, mobile apps, and matchmaking through friends may be viable options for some, but not all. When the modern ways of dating don’t work, four singles go to the two people who know them best—their parents—in hopes of finding their soulmates and walking down the aisle.
Jay, Kumi, Crick, Buzz, and Walter are best friends who band together to explore and learn in an overgrown suburban backyard, which to them is their entire universe. Each episode of this animated series features songs by The Beatles performed by artists including Daniel Johns, Robbie Williams and Pink to tell uplifting and life-affirming stories filled with hope and melody.
Three wildlife camera operators follow six iconic baby animals as they face the challenges of surviving their first year on Earth.
Comedian Rosie Jones takes celebrity friends on thrilling outings around Britain, gorging on culture, learning local traditions and seeking excitement in the unlikeliest of places
BBC Scotland Investigates is a current affairs programme broadcast in Scotland by BBC Scotland. It is broadcast regularly on BBC One Scotland on weekday nights, currently with varying timeslots. Previously known as Frontline Scotland, the programme usually features current issues affecting the Scottish people. Most recent examples include gang warfare in Glasgow, problems with the NHS, the likely effects of increased gambling in Scottish cities and North Sea oil. BBC Scotland Investigates' reporters include Samantha Poling and Ross McWilliam. In most cases the entire programme is devoted to one topic, and consists entirely of an in-depth documentary piece from a single reporter. The programme is also available on the Internet from the BBC Scotland website, with episodes dating back to 2004 available to watch online.
After a series of family hardships and life struggles, He Yangguang and Luo Xingxing work together to realize their common dream of sharing their love of Lion Dance culture.
Award-winning war correspondent Guy Foster, distraught after the loss of his first wife, joins a cruise to Cape Town, where he meets beautiful and mysterious Melissa. A sophisticated blonde PR girl, Melissa is travelling with an exuberant group of media friends. Guy falls desperately in love with the exotic Melissa and she suggests they marry. But while they celebrate, dark events begin to take place. An elderly widower is ‘accidentally’ lost overboard. The bodies of a middle-aged couple are discovered in Cape Town. Then one of Melissa’s friends is brutally killed. The finger of suspicion falls on Guy – and when Melissa herself is killed, he is found bending over her bloodied corpse.
Series which tells the story of how people came to understand the natural order of the plant world, and how the quest to discover how plants grow uncovered the secret to life on the planet.
Bikie Wars: Brothers in Arms is a six-part Australian drama miniseries, screened on Network Ten on 15 May 2012. Bikie Wars is based on the book Brothers in Arms by Lindsay Simpson and Sandra Harvey. The screenplay was written by Greg Haddrick, Roger Simpson and Jo Martino. It is directed by Peter Andrikidis. Bikie Wars: Brothers in Arms cost A$6,000,000 to make.