The story centers around an illness-stricken, constantly bullied orphan girl named Minori. After one rainy day, she doesn't turn up at school, having been admitted into a hospital in a distant town. Two months pass, and the girl's two school friends, Takashi and Kyouko, receive a mysterious email with no sender listed. The email reveals a summer festival taking place at a nearby town...
The year is 1863 as the tumultuous samurai era is coming to an end, Japan is split between the pro-shogunate and anti-shogunate factions. The fate of the world is threatened as an army of historical revisionists are sent from the future to alter the course of history. In order to bring these forces down and protect the real history, two sword warriors, spirits who are swords brought to life by Saniwa (sage), rush to Edo. The polite and thoughtful Horikawa Kunihiro and the short tempered yet skillful Izuminokami Kanesada, who served the same master, confront the invading army along with a lively gang of other warriors including Mutsunokami Yoshiyuki, Yagen Toushirou, Tombokiri, and Tsurumaru Kuninaga. As the fate of history lies in these hero's hands, what meets the blade is yet to be uncovered...
Bakarhythm (Bakarhythm) and Masayasu Wakabayashi (Masayasu Wakabayashi) live on the same floor of N apartment building. Even though they are entertainers, they live simple lives. One day, they learn that Fumi Nikaido (Fumi Nikaido) lives in the same building. The three become friends.
Naked Jungle was a one-off television game show produced by the United Kingdom terrestrial TV station Channel 5 in 2000. In itself a fairly innocuous gameshow with an assault course format, it was controversial because its contestants were all nudists. The programme's presenter, Keith Chegwin, was also naked. The full-frontal scenes of genitalia caused a furore in the national media, especially in the Daily Mail, which described the show as having "plumbed new depths [of indecency on television]". The show also attracted criticism in the House of Commons. No follow-up programmes were made. Chegwin identified Naked Jungle as "the worst career move" in his entire life. The programme was made by the same producers as CITV's Jungle Run, and used the same set as well as following the same format. A video of Naked Jungle was released by Universal Home Entertainment in late 2000
Marie Lorieux, a contract worker at the Paris Police Prefecture, is tired of distributing tickets. While walking the streets of the capital, she finds herself mingled with intrigues all wacky and incredible as each other and decides to act alone in its investigations to the chagrin of his head of department who does not know how to do for the reason and her husband, Hervé, worried constantly.
NewJeans, the hottest girl group with global fandom in and out of the country, shoot their first traveling reality show in Busan, the city known as the international tourism city. The members visit various places in Busan and experience various foods and activities. HYEIN, the youngest member, introduces Busan to other members who visit the city for the first time. She shows them how they can enjoy food in Busan and takes them to activities that are popular among Generation MZ. The members become competitive while doing activities and show off their innocent and unexpected charms. Don’t miss it!
تدور أحداث المسلسل في إطار اجتماعي مشوق، حول طبيبة نفسية تجد نفسها في مواجهة العديد من المشاكل، والعقبات بكل من يُحيط بها، وخاصة الشخصيات ذو التركيبات الغربية.
The remote area of Karelia in Russia has always been surrounded by myths and legends, but when some fatal cases of Western Nile Fever inexplicably appear there, an epidemiological expedition is sent to take a closer look. Led by ex-lovers Nikolai and Vera who have unfinished business, the expedition becomes fraught with events that can’t be explained through science. The Counted is a one-hour drama series with elements of paranormal and sci-fi genres intertwined in the unique geographical, tribal, and social setting of Karelia, Russia.
A home drama about the clash between a former career woman and the madam of a distinguished Japanese inn.
In $100,000 Pyramid, contestants are in teams of two. The goal of the game is to help your partner guess an answer, by listing items that would be included in said answer, or synonymous. For instance, if the answer is “Things That Bounce”, clues would be “Po-Go Sticks”, “Kangaroos”, “Basketballs”, etc. To add to the challenge, the contestant who is giving the clues has their hands strapped to their chair, so they’re unable to gesture in order to help the guessing process.
Themed around the ambiguities of modern communication, the story of Soredake ga Neck is set in the Hot Hot Mart convenience store, where the mysterious young man known as Muto works in the company of Nekomaru, the slightly sinister store's cat. Is Muto the savior of the Hot Hot Mart? Or is this merely an ominous existence? What sort of stories await at the convenience store?
Unique monsters that suddenly began to appear all over the world from the beginning of the 20th century. At first, human beings tried to resist, but in the face of their enormous power, they came to the conclusion that complete extermination was impossible, and concentrated their wisdom on monitoring and analyzing monsters. The United Nations Kaiju Observatory (commonly known as Coulons) was born. Leading by the indomitable leader Yuichiro Kaido, the authority of monster ecology, Toji Kobayashi, the talent of monster function analysis, Claire Coleman, the maverick of monster disaster prevention, Kenny Mikoshiba, and the nobleman of monster strategy, Nikita Tarkovsky. A new generation Lulu de Picard who paved the way for monster linguistics, and Guillermo Marquez, a monster life science tycoon. Experts in monster science monitored and analyzed hundreds of monsters, and continued to explore a world where monsters and humankind live together.
Oprah's Master Class is an Emmy-nominated primetime television program that airs on the OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network. The series premiered on the network's first day, January 1, 2011, with rapper and songwriter Jay-Z.
. Age of Glory 2 is a Chinese drama series which is co-produce by Double Vision and ntv7. It is telecast on every Monday to Thursday, at 10 pm on Malaysia's ntv7 station.
A collection of horror stories of ordinary people whose lives are impacted after they encounter supernatural forces.