Shannon's Deal is an American legal drama. The show centers on a successful Philadelphia corporate lawyer named Jack Shannon, who lost his family and his job to a compulsive gambling habit. The saga of Shannon, who leaves a prestigious law firm after years of becoming unhappy with the legal system and being forced to take his clients to court, and whom subsequently opens his own low-rent practice
K. Street Pali Hill is an Indian Thriller soap that aired on STAR Plus. It replaced the highly popular thriller Kaahin Kissii Roz when it concluded in 2004. K. Street Pali Hill was successful for about a year, only to plummet in popularity, owing to many of the actors' replacements. This show pointed many similarities with DD National popular daily soap Shanti
The Barbara Taylor Bradford trilogy that began with "A Woman of Substance", ends with this epic tale. Paula O' Neill feuds with her cousins as she fights to save her grandmother's business, and struggles to salvage her marriage.
A magazine show with each segment telling the story of a country, a civilization, a period or emblematic characters, rich in iconography and archival images.
The Collaborators was a Canadian police procedural crime drama television series which aired on CBC Television between December 1973 and December 1974.
Two well-established families get embroiled in a complicated struggle rooted in grief, anger, and a passionate desire for revenge. The husbands and wives set their elaborate plans in motion as they fight for their loved ones and their own desires.
Out of the norm police officer Navarro and his team investigate the most troubling, serious and heart rendering cases in the city of Paris.
The main character of ‘The Great Wall Warrior’ is a wolf raised up by herbivores. The adventure starts with his pure mind of being the hero who can save the world from the Giant Warrior, but he has unconsciously involved in some big scheme…
Top agent, RP, and his team are leading the charge to neutralize India’s biggest enemies. With time running out, can our secret agents eliminate the threat before it eliminates them?
The Hotel is a fly-on-the-wall British television documentary series which has ran for three series consisting of 25 episodes. It is produced by Dragonfly TV and Film and is broadcast on Channel 4. The series is filmed using fixed cameras positioned in several locations around the complex rather than using a camera crew. Series one was filmed at the Damson Dene Hotel in England's Lake District over five weeks in the summer of 2010. The second and third series were filmed at the Grosvenor Hotel in Torquay, Devon, owned by manager Mark Jenkins who became something of a cult character as a result of the show.
A weekly television talk show, which selected young women, ages 14–25, to promote education, skills and choosing the right career. Nestlé Nesvita's Women of Strength initiative aims to provide young urban women with the tools and guidance to create positive, goal-achieving changes in their lives. It tells stories of strength from women who thought they had achieved something extraordinary in life and deserved the title of ‘Woman of Strength’.