Tokyo Love Story is a manga by Fumi Saimon. Tokyo Love Story was adapted as a Japanese television drama in 1991. It aired on Fuji Television in 11 episodes between January and March 1991. Actors include Yuji Oda, Honami Suzuki, and Narimi Arimori. The drama's theme song, Love Story wa Totsuzen ni by Kazumasa Oda is Japan's 8th best-selling single in history.
The story takes place during the reign of Hong Taiji, the founder of Qing dynasty. He formed military alliances by marrying the daughters of Mongol and Manchu clans. He first married Jerger of Khorchin Mongols and made her his primary wife. Then, he renewed their alliance by marrying her niece Dayu'er. However, it was Dayu’ers low status half-sister, Harjol, he favored above the rest. His favoritism caused a rift between the women. Dayu'er formed a secret alliance with his brother Dorgon to place her son on the throne over his elder sons and brothers.
The glamorous and exciting life for the staff of trendy magazine 'Communique', owned by Allen Rush, "the Darth Vader of publishing".
Just what is it to be an orbit with four different poles? The four different poles — Nick, Wan, Beam, and Wayu — continuously circle around each other, repeatedly clashing and burning in the fire of the collision. However, all four sides are relentless, revelling in the pain and pleasure of hatred and competition... and perhaps, even love.
In the Republic of China era, Baihe Town is plagued by mysterious cases. Li Zhengjiu, known as Ninth Uncle, investigates these incidents, uncovering the truth behind the local mysteries through a dangerous investigation.
Da Ming Palace is the biggest ever royal palace in the history of human archaeology, with a building area 3.5 times that of the Forbidden City. This film tells the stories of the rise and fall of Da Ming Palace in glorious Tang dynasty through fantastic visionary effect, and tries to find out the pride and honorable days and the true value of the great Tang dynasty.
Yukk is the ugliest dog that ever was, but he happens to belong to millionaire Brandon Brewster. Brandon uses his mighty machine to shrink in size but become super powered while his sidekick Yukk helps him through adventure after adventure.
Buried is a British television drama series, produced by World Productions for Channel 4 and originally screened in 2003. The programme starred Lennie James as Lee Kingley, who is serving a long prison sentence in order to protect a member of his family from a violent criminal. Critically well-received, the programme won the Best Drama Series category at the British Academy Television Awards in 2004.