Set in an old prestigious ryotei (Japanese-style restaurant) in a small town in the center of Tokyo, a young itamae (cook for Japanese dishes) struggles his life, love and work while the long-lasted ryotei and the beloved old town face the change to survive the time. This heartwarming drama shows the intimate relationship of the community that has been lost nowadays, asks what the most important things in your life is, and tells how difficult it is to make a decision. The story is told in the form of a letter from him to his unknown father with lots of humor and love.
Makoto Masaki and Haruko Kogetsu are both 29 years old and single. Since they were children, they have passed each other at various places like on the beach and shrines. Yet, the two are not aware of each other at all. One day, a man appears in front of Makoto Masaki and introduces himself as God. He tells Makoto Masaki about his destined soul mate and that she works next door. When he faces Haruko Kogetsu, he tells her "I'm your destiny."
K. Street Pali Hill is an Indian Thriller soap that aired on STAR Plus. It replaced the highly popular thriller Kaahin Kissii Roz when it concluded in 2004. K. Street Pali Hill was successful for about a year, only to plummet in popularity, owing to many of the actors' replacements. This show pointed many similarities with DD National popular daily soap Shanti
Catches up with your favorite SmackDown Superstars after the show to hear their thoughts and opinions on all of the evening's action and excitement. Nothing is off limits when these men and women are Talking Smack!
Extreme sports athlete, Michelle Khare, trains like iconic superheroes and then puts her skills to the test in a high-stakes cinematic finale.
During and after World War II, two young men and two young ladies had very different destinies. Dine was taken to Paris by the Allies where he learned how beautiful life can be under the bright lights of a Metropolis. Cone, after suffering amnesia, was taken to Manchester, the industrial capital of the world where thick fabric smoke taught him how hard work pays off. Euphoric of the victory in the War and infected by the spirit of freedom and progress which they felt on the Front, they come home to their run-down hometown of Leskovac. Dine returns to his now non-existent movie theater and Cone to his fiancee, who after 5 long years of waiting has unwillingly promised her hand to a war profiteer. Cone will try to win-back his old lover, whereas Dine will seek a new one. And so begins the fight between the "old" and the "new" in every respect; since for great deeds, only a little bit of true love is necessary.
Newly engaged Scott and Matt are on the search for their first home together. They are on the hunt for a contemporary style home in Orlando and waterfront is a must. With their careers in full swing and a wedding around the corner, these two lovebirds need a sanctuary to call their own.
Yippee, Yappee and Yahooey is a Hanna-Barbera animated television series that premiered September 16, 1964. It was presented as a segment of The Peter Potamus Show, along with Breezly and Sneezly and Peter Potamus.
Higurashi Tabito has lost four out of his five senses--his sense of sound, smell, taste, and touch. The only sense he has is sight, which he relies on for his job as a detective who has to investigate and find various missing objects. He works at the detective agency with Yukiji, his buddy and manager, and Tei, his adopted daughter. No matter what it is, Tabito always finds the missing object. His investigative methods, however, are a little bizarre. His eyes seem to be able to see everything, including things that regular people can't see, like scents and emotions. Without a single blood relative left in the world, the lonely Tabito pours his heart out on his job. Each case he solves brings him closer to Yukiji, Tei, and her daycare teacher Yoko, who all treat him like family. Wrapped in their warmth, his heart begins to melt.
The Amazing Race Norge is a Norwegian reality game show based on the American series, The Amazing Race. On October 2011 a Norwegian version of the show was announced by TV 2. Applications were open from 11 October 2011 to 31 October 2011. Filming took place in January 2012. Ex-football player Freddy dos Santos is the presenter of The Amazing Race Norge. The first season premiered on 11 April 2012. It is produced by Rubicon TV in association with ABC Studios.
Horror mockumentary program broadcast by TV Tokyo as a collaboration between director Tokio Omori and the YouTube channel FAKE DOCUMENTARY "Q".
The Roy Rogers and Dale Evans Show is a Western comedy and variety program. In addition to Rogers and Evans, the program featured the Sons of the Pioneers, Pat Brady, and Cliff Arquette.