The series revolves around the lives of two families. The Moustoxidis family is from a poor neighbourhood and working class, however their young daughter, Betty, wins a reality singing show and ends up a superstar with the family becoming very rich. They move in next door to the Papapavlos family who are sophisticated Athenians.
You have been separated from your spouce this afternoon and want to be alone...till your door ring bells..
Kotaro Mochizuki (Haruma Miura) is a timid, introspective teenager who attends a private high school. One day he discovers a mysterious old book and from that day on, whenever he finds himself in a difficult situation, he turns into a samurai warrior.
The Angelic Guard, who call the heavens their home, have been tasked with collecting the orbs scattered across the world. Lucifer—a leader of the Angelic Guard with a rebellious streak, said to wield power rivaling the Almighty—carries out her duty along with Uriel, also a leader of the guard. Together, they go about executing their mission, until Holy Magistrate Keter—the one who leads the heavens under the Almighty's will—tells Uriel of Lucifer's planned rebellion. Initially in disbelief, Uriel then learns that the accusations against Lucifer may be connected to an event that once threatened to shatter the heavens.
A popular webtoon writer writes about his ex-girlfriends. While his webtoon is being made into a movie, he meets a female film producer.
Lucan is a TV Drama which aired on ABC from 1977 to 1978, starring Kevin Brophy, John Randolph, and Don Gordon. A 20-year old man who spent the first 10 years of his life running wild in the forest after being raised by wolves, Lucan is taken to a research institute and taught the ways of human society. He is befriended by a kind research doctor whom he bonded with during his journey to civilization. Lucan's continued freedom at the research center is put in peril once his doctor friend and mentor is hurt. Unable to insure Lucan's well being at the institute, his friend encourages him to strike out on his own in search of his identity. The short-lived TV series chronicled the encounters, challenges, and intrigues Lucan faced interacting with people using his new learned social graces and old Wolfen instincts. Lucan did have special Wolfen skills that were invoked when he was made very angry. When upset to the point of violence his eyes glowed amber. He also had heightened senses of smell and hearing. In a few episodes he was able to call on his old wolf family/pack for help. This series was based on a 1977 made-for-TV movie of the same name directed by David Greene.
A lawyer and a prosecutor, whose paths cross with a murder case, will have to work together to find the murderer, and this will create an irreversible breaking point in their lives.
A life in a small coastal town in Dalmatia, Croatia, seen through the prism of the local chronicler-amateur and his writings, during the periods before and after WW2.
The drama series follows the story of a mother and her young daughter, Serra, as they try to get used to their new life in an ordinary neighbourhood after falling from grace.
Lady Fandora possesses the Jewel of Lupia, which she uses to collect bounties on criminals. Accompanied by her shape-changing friend Que, they embark on a dimensional journey to try and find the elusive Yogu-sogos.
When he was a little child, Halil İbrahim lost his father due to a blood feud and was exiled to Istanbul. Twenty years later, he returns to his homeland in the Karadeniz region as a handsome, powerful young man. He plans to marry the girl he loves, Yasemin, and start a new life. However, events do not allow this. Halil İbrahim embarks on a journey of revenge, and his life will change completely when he encounters Zeynep from the Leto family.
Kim Ji Hyuk (Kang Ji Hwan) lives a hard knocked life, but when the orphan meets the modest restaurateur Hong Dal Sook (Song Ok Suk), he gains a mother figure and works hard to open his own restaurant one day. Then suddenly, the family behind Korea's most powerful corporation claims that he is their long lost son. When Ji Hyeok discovers the Hyunsung family's ulterior motives, he swears to bring down the company that destroyed the life he worked so hard to build.
A look inside the cluttered life of hoarders. Across the UK thousands of us live our lives surrounded by too much stuff, and all that chaos could be hiding potential money makers! The average household has over three thousand pounds of saleable goods. Hoarders SOS will offer help to people living in cluttered homes and advice on how to make money from their potential goldmine while freeing up some much-needed space. Our experts will dispense top tips and invaluable advice to the 'hoarders' on what is worth selling, what they should keep hold of and those items which should have been thrown away years ago.
Hiding within his heart the secret of his lord's illegitimate child while risking his life to protect him, Uesugi Kenshin's chief retainer, Naoe Kanetsugu, teamed up with the legendary warrior known as history's most infamous wild man, Maeda Keiji. Never once yielding to any number of powerful men, Kanetsugu and Keiji continue to blaze through the turbulent latter days of the Warring States era, faithfully fighting for justice and their own way of life...