G.I. Joe: Resolute is an animated television series based on the G.I. Joe franchise. It was written by Warren Ellis, directed by Joaquim Dos Santos, and produced by Sam Register. The series debuted on the web at Adult Swim Video April 18, 2009, with a Content Rating of TV-14-V, and premiered in its entirety on air on Canadian television network Teletoon on April 24, 2009. In the United States, the series aired on Adult Swim April 26, 2009. Resolute departs from recent depictions of futuristic technology, adopting a more realistic aesthetic. The series has been described as a more "mature" take on the franchise. The film uses elements from both the cartoons and the comics, and is described by Warren Ellis as a "fusion".
An unforeseen incident forces a traditional girl to marry a rogue. Despite their differences, can love blossom between these opposites?
Fumi Manjoume enters Kamakura's accelerated high school - Matsuoka All-Girls High School. While waiting at the Kamakura station on the day of her entrance ceremony, she runs into an old childhood friend whom she had not seen in 10 years: Akira Okudaira. As their friendship is rekindled and they start falling back into the rhythm of friends again, it starts a delicate love story...
Stockholm's Bloodbath of 1520 is one of the most dramatic moments in the entire history of the Nordic countries. But what really happened? How could a hundred people be executed in the middle of Stockholm? In this two part documentary, historians Bo Eriksson and Anna Maria Forsberg will reveal the reasons behind the massacre.
Pursuit of Happiness is an American sitcom that aired on ABC from October 30, 1987 to January 22, 1988.
Supersize vs Superskinny is a British television programme on Channel 4 that features information about dieting and extreme eating lifestyles. One of the main show features is a weekly comparison between an overweight person, and an underweight person. The two are brought to a feeding clinic, and live together for five days, swapping diets all supervised by Dr Christian Jessen. The show also featured Anna Richardson in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd series, who examined new methods to lose weight by trying diets she finds on the Internet, some of which have shocking side effects. For example, Anna attempted Laser lipolysis, which went drastically wrong and resulted in severe bruising. Also, she discovered Diabulimia and spoke to Isabelle Caro, a French actress, renowned for her underweight figure and anorexia campaign. During the first series in 2008, one feature involved Gillian McKeith, who tried to find a way to "ban big bums" in the UK. She tested out different exercises to tone the buttocks of different groups of ladies, and made a leader board for the most effective.
Following on from the first series of Pirate Islands, The Lost Treasure of Fiji is essentially a computer game. The characters find themselves pulled into this alternate reality world, and must try to find their way back out.
In the 1920s Victoria and Ángel fall in love in a small town, northern Spain. They are two people both from a different social class, she is the daughter of a wealthy businessman and he comes from a poor family. They are so in love but social norms and circumstances of the era force them to break up. Several years later, they meet again, Victoria as a powerful businesswoman and Ángel as a priest.
Following the adventures of teen-aged versions of DC's superheroines and female supervillains attending Super Hero High.
FC Zulu is a Danish television program on TV 2 Zulu. It tells the story about 16 nerds, who had never touched a football before, trained in 2004 for three months, with the goal of playing against FCK in PARKEN. Against all odds, they were able to score a goal. This year, the incapable nerds return, again led by the coach duo, Mark Strudal and TNT. This time is the opponent is none other than Swedish FC Zulu-copy FC Z who FC Zulu beat 6-0. In 2005 they were nominated for an Emmy for best 'Non-Scripted-Entertainment', but didn't win. The show has later been launched in several other countries, with FC Nerds as the name instead.