Madö King Granzört is a Japanese young children's animated television series that aired from 1989-1990. It was produced by Bandai Visual and animated by animation studio Sunrise. It also spawned 3 special direct-to-video episodes and two movies. A boy named Daichi Haruka takes on a journey to the moon, where he gets involved in a fight between the Takamimi, Miminaga and evil tribes. Daichi gets in Granzort, one of the machines of the Malevolent Deity Ruling Light, to fight in the world of magic.
Elementary school children take control of giant robots to save the earth from the evil Jaku Empire.
Jo Cooke and Al Law (the owners of the Curvy Brides Boutique) transform the homes of people in need with a deep clean and a de-clutter while also offering emotional support for those who live there.
Yukk is the ugliest dog that ever was, but he happens to belong to millionaire Brandon Brewster. Brandon uses his mighty machine to shrink in size but become super powered while his sidekick Yukk helps him through adventure after adventure.
Dr. Evan Antin travels around the world to chase after his wildlife bucket list. From swimming with whales in Tahiti to wrestling crocs in the Yucatan, he brings his passion for wildlife to each adventure and lends a helping hand to animals in need.
It is a real variety program of Girl's Day that aired on MBC MUSIC from August 3 to September 21, 2015. It is broadcasted for 8 weeks as a reality program containing the travel stories of Girl's Day, who went on vacation to Okinawa, Japan for 5 days and 4 nights.
Patton Oswalt leads a group of comedians through a short tour of the small to mid-sized arenas on the east coast. The one season run has since been spun-off into a feature-length film and two live concert releases.
FC Zulu is a Danish television program on TV 2 Zulu. It tells the story about 16 nerds, who had never touched a football before, trained in 2004 for three months, with the goal of playing against FCK in PARKEN. Against all odds, they were able to score a goal. This year, the incapable nerds return, again led by the coach duo, Mark Strudal and TNT. This time is the opponent is none other than Swedish FC Zulu-copy FC Z who FC Zulu beat 6-0. In 2005 they were nominated for an Emmy for best 'Non-Scripted-Entertainment', but didn't win. The show has later been launched in several other countries, with FC Nerds as the name instead.
When kids kill it sends shock-waves through the community. But what drives a child to commit murder? Police evidence, personal archives, and interviews with the victim's loved ones reveal the truth behind the world's deadliest kids.
An eccentric millionaire dies at a manor in Dalarna in Sweden, leaving behind three sons and a mistress. One of four parallel stories about parents and children. Four sides of Sweden. Four shades of brown.
After a 20 year comma, a man awakens in a time when everything is different and in the body of a man of 40 years old but with a mentality of a twenty-something.
Features one competitor per episode who enters Bobby's secret kitchen to compete against professional chefs in three head-to-head rounds. If the competitor can out-cook the titans and earn more points, they take home the cash prize.