Set on Hashima Island in Nagasaki Prefecture during the coal industry's rise in 1955, this story follows themes of family, friendship, and love. It contrasts the post-war era, where people had little but were full of dreams, with present-day Tokyo, where abundance prevails, but young people struggle to find their dreams.
Based on the manga by Ritsu Miyako, this unique drama pairs a penniless detective with a razor-sharp eye for detail with a mysterious woman who can detect lies...?! Together, they unravel complex cases where truth and deception intertwine like threads in a delicate web, all set against the backdrop of a retro-modern cityscape.
Privileged heir Subaru Tendo is forced to work as a new hire and live in a dormitory at his family's apparel company to learn humility. There, he meets Madoka, a thrifty and outspoken coworker who challenges his ego.
Braving the unknown, three women of different generations living in the same house set off on an epic road trip as an attempt to put themselves before the people they are bound by for the first time.
A story that spans ten years follows a group of young men and women from their schooldays until the time they enter society as adults. It begins in the year 2005. Bai Yi Han has gotten accepted to a prominent school. She becomes attracted to school genius Lin Xing Ze and with the help of her close friends, she tries to gain his approval. While they fail in the endeavor, they succeed in getting his attention. At the same time, Yang Tian Ran transfers from abroad and becomes acquainted with Bai Yi Han. Chen Si Yu starts to fall for Zhou Xiao Yu. In the long and winding road of youth, Bai Yi Han, Lin Xing Ze, and Yang Tian Ran are caught in a love triangle. The addition of Chen Si Yu and Zhou Xiao Yu further complicates the relationship between the group. As time passes and they become adults, destiny brings forth a different ending.
Krisha Chaturvedi’s life is no less than a fairy tale when she marries her love, Devraj. But Krisha soon finds herself in a swamp full of lies and deceit.
An anime based on the manga of the same name written by Maguro Fujita.
From the minds of Kate Berlant, John Early and Andrew DeYoung, 555 is an anthology miniseries of five short films that unfold in a stark, humid, surreality of Hollywood. These short, cinematic fairy tales are set in tinsel town, where status is everything and the stakes are high. The backdrop is big dreams, and in the foreground, the humiliations of clawing one’s way toward them. Each episode focuses on a fraught relationship between two characters, where ambition prevails over empathy. Among the wildly varied characters: a young Mama Rose type and her mute child, two sensual but ignorant acting students, an agent turned artist by tragedy and his partner who must watch his grotesque fall. Each episode zooms in on characters toiling in different corners of a Hollywood hellscape. Will greed, egotism, ignorance and desire consume them? Or can they escape dark fates by clinging to rare moments of tenderness?