E's is a Japanese shōnen manga series written and drawn by Satoru Yuiga. It was originally serialized in Monthly GFantasy from 1997 through 2005, and later published in 16 tankōbon volumes by Square Enix from March 18, 2003 to February 27, 2010. The series focuses on Kai Kudou, an "Esper", who is recruited by an organization called Ashurum to become a soldier to purportedly save other psychics from regular humans. After a mission in Gald goes wrong, Kai finds himself living with a man named Yuuki and his adopted sister Asuka. As he learns more about Ashurum, Kai finds himself wondering what their true goals are, and worrying about his ill sister, who is under Ashurum's care. The series was adapted into a twenty-six episode anime series entitled E's Otherwise by Studio Pierrot. It debuted in Japan on April 1, 2003 on TV Tokyo; the final episode aired on September 23, 2003. Two light novels and three drama CDs related to the series have also been released in Japan. Broccoli Books licensed the manga series for English-language publication in North America in 2006. ADV Films licensed the anime series for North American broadcast and distribution, with the English dubbed version of the series airing on Anime Network.
Five couples, one issue - BreakUp. Would they be able to salvage their love when relationships go sinfully wrong?
Nearly 40 years after his summertime reign of terror on the streets of Los Angeles, the myth of the "Night Stalker" still looms large. Now, a series of prison recordings of Richard Ramirez unearths new truths
Sixteen competitors united by a single passion, the pastry. A challenge. In the end only one of them will become the best amateur baker of Italy and will fulfill his dream.
Automotive designers compete to build the ultimate car and earn the title of "Motor City Master".
A BBC/Animal Planet co-production, the three-part series focuses on the landscape and wildlife of the Great Rift Valley in East Africa.
A young and idealistic Doctor Stephen Daker arrives at Lowlands University to work at the Health Centre, but has to cope with an eccentric set of colleagues.
The drama is about the discords and meanings of a family seen though the eyes of a child.
The series gives viewers a look inside the most spectacular, one-of-a-kind, seven-figure spaces. It's the best in high-end design and lavish living around the globe, including a home with a full-size train and petting zoo in the backyard, one with a two-story custom closet worth $5 million, and an estate that features a nightclub inside.
Photographer César Fraga and writer Maurício Barros de Castro travel throughout Africa to investigate the true history and impact of colonial slavery.