Superbook, also known as Animated Parent and Child Theatre, is an anime television series initially produced by Tatsunoko Productions in Japan in conjunction with the Christian Broadcasting Network in the United States and more recently solely produced by CBN for global distribution and broadcast. The series chronicled the events of the Bible's Old and New Testaments in its 52 episode run. The first 26 episodes aired from October 1, 1981 to March 29, 1982. The series returned as Superbook II with 26 episodes to air from April 4, 1983 to September 26, 1983. Between both series in the first run was the companion series The Flying House. The Christian Broadcasting Network is currently producing a new Superbook series and has released fourteen episodes.
After the breakdown of the old government, and with it the First Republic, Italy changed for good in 1994. Spinster Leo is all too aware of this. He pushed hard to see Berlusconi get elected Prime Minister. He knows it's not easy to win power, but holding on to it verges on the impossible. By the same token, it seems equally impossible for populist politician Pietro to change. Even now that he has an office at the Prime Minister's premises in Rome, he still can't cast off his old bad habits. Nor can he forget the only woman he has ever loved. A former TV starlet now turned politician and Congresswoman, Veronica has to decide who the man of her life is going to be. She has realized she no longer wants to be just a woman on the arm of powerful men. It is the start of her own push for power.
Bibliothek der Sachgeschichten is a long-running German information series, broadcast between 1969 and 2010.
Aoi Minase is in her 40's. She works as a popular writer of romance novels. She is also a single mother, who raised her daughter alone. Her daughter is now 20-years-old. Due to Aoi Minase's success as a romance novelist, Aoi lives with her daughter in an upscale high-rise apartment building. Aoi is worried about her daughter. Her daughter doesn't have a boyfriend. Aoi Minase believes this is because her daughter is an otaku, who enjoys manga and cosplay. Her daughter does want to fall in love.
The comedian, host, scriptwriter, and actor, Bakarhythm, presents his solo performances under the banner of "Bakarhythm Live." In each installment, he skillfully delivers engaging and often humorous monologues, offering unique insights and perspectives on a specific topic.
E! True Hollywood Story is an American documentary series on E! that deals with famous Hollywood celebrities, movies, TV shows and also well-known public figures. Among the topics covered on the program include salacious re-tellings of Hollywood secrets, show-biz scandals, celebrity murders and mysteries, porn-star biographies, and "where-are-they-now?" investigations of former child stars. It frequently features in-depth interviews, actual courtroom footage, and dramatic reenactments. When aired on the E! network, episodes will be updated to reflect the current life or status of the subject.
Ultraman Leo is an Ultra foreign to the Land of Light, instead hailing from the fallen Planet L77 of the Leo constellation, where he and his brother Astra were royalty. After his planet was destroyed by Alien Magma and his twin Giras kaiju, Leo traveled to Earth, intending to make it a second home. While there, he blended into human society as Gen Ohtori, and became a gym instructor at a fitness club for children. But, when the Alien Magma that destroyed L77 came to conquer Earth, he was forced to take action. Leo met Ultraseven during his initial fight against Alien Magma, and became the first Ultra Crusader of Earth to not hail from the Land of Light. Unlike most of the previous Ultras to visit Earth, Leo's fighting style specializes in martial arts giving him far greater physical abilities than any other known Ultras. Despite his foreign origins, he, along with Astra, were readily accepted into the pantheon of the Ultra Brothers. During his tenure on Earth, Leo and Seven became very close, and it was for this reason that Seven would eventually entrust the training of his son Ultraman Zero to Leo and Astra.
Cyanide and Happiness is a daily webcomic on that was created by Rob DenBleyker, Kris Wilson, Dave McElfatrick and Matt Melvin in 2005.
The story begins with Keita Suminoe, a male third-year junior-high school student studying for his high school entrance exams. He is living in a home with his older twin stepsisters, Ako and Riko, who share no blood relation to him, and they help him prepare for his exams. Even though he initially dislikes himself for it, he begins to become attracted to his two step-sisters, and his two parents encourage him to eventually get married to one of them.
Edu and Fih, from Diva Depressão YouTube channel, with the help of Lorelay Fox, Renata Santti, Nátaly Neri and their special guests begin a new search for the next winner of Corrida das Blogueiras.
Meekah and her best friend Blippi have exciting and educational adventures together as they explore the wonders of science and nature.
An actress without a job, an artist who struggles to paint and a marketing student from Coimbra. These three young women together, their financial difficulties and existential doubts. Living on a small apartment in Lisbon, they see themselves as allies (most of the time) on the great battle of building their lives. They must share their personal space, food, issues and all kind of awkward situations that life brings upon them.
A unique project that will mix different disciplines to create an exceptional fusion between the performing and audiovisual arts.
Rome, 30 April 1993. A crowd throws coins at Italian politician Bettino Craxi - as if the Civil War has begun. Be quick if you want a place in the new system. Now, it's every man for himself. 1993 is the last chance to set up the Second Republic. Everyone fights their own battles.
Adam Thorn, Wildlife expert, adventurer and explorer is on a mission to solve a mystery surrounding one of the most endangered large carnivores on the planet.