The drama's story twists around to ask what would happen if Lee Myong Ryong was unattractive, while his servant Bang Ja Jeon was attractive? During Lee Myong Ryong's courtship with Lady Chun Hyang both parties use their servants to communicate...
Channel 4's Comedy Gala is a British stand-up comedy benefit show organised Channel 4 in aid of Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital. The gig is filmed live at the O2 Arena in London, and then broadcast later by Channel 4. An inaugural gala was held in 2010, while a second gala was held in 2011. A third Gala aired in May 2012. A fourth Gala was filmed on Saturday 18th May 2013 at O2 Arena.
"The Family", the program commemorating the 55th anniversary of the launch of the TBS TV station, is a social drama depicting the inside story between bureaucrats, politicians and big businesses over a bank merger revolving around the family discord between Daisuke Manpyou, the owner and president of Hanshin Bank, and his eldest son, Teppei.
"Every estate is unique. Like Coliseum, an arena not only so in Italy, but all over the world on an ancient Roman arena. Great Wall of China, Dujiangyan, Huangshan, also opera ...... is the world's only our movie is hard to interpret the intentions behind these substances to the image of the 'unique' reason can not be copied, and its history along the way from the tortuous experience. "" documentary records themselves are in need of guide words "language, not a tourist manual, so this is not a purely beautiful piece. Crews find and organize is a story of a rich history, "boring narrative and interesting coincidences in history." In the face of the vicissitudes of the scene, with their efforts to understand the cultural and spiritual being numerous times to pay tribute to these antiquities, ruins to explore every tortuous experience in historical events. We look through the lens of their hands is not only seen
The series stars Hat, the descendant of a hero who fought an evil king and sealed Devildom. Hat falls into Devildom and finds he has to defeat the evil king.
تدور أحداث المسلسل في إطار اجتماعي مشوق، حول طبيبة نفسية تجد نفسها في مواجهة العديد من المشاكل، والعقبات بكل من يُحيط بها، وخاصة الشخصيات ذو التركيبات الغربية.
The police are investigating a case that involves a death directly caused by a rare bug known as the bullet ant. In order to clear his name, Tan Jingtian, an Insect toxicology graduate becomes involved in the bizarre investigation and collaborates with forensic doctor Jin Ling. As they dig deeper, they uncover the mystery behind his own identity. Along with police captain Chen Han and the other detectives, they trace every clue as they solve one case at a time to uncover the murderer that has been in hiding for many years.
A South African, Afrikaans-language television sitcom which tells the story of two sisters from Bloemfontein who move in with their aunt Bessie and - together with their friend Trompie - cause chaos for no good reason.
Durch die Nacht mit … is a German documentary film television series produced by ZDF for Franco-German television channel ARTE. Locations are mainly in France or Germany. The title of the French version is Au cœur de la nuit. Two Celebrities spend an filmed evening together. One of them is the host who sets the location and the program. There is no moderator.
In a distant future the Garrick Federation is a rich and large space colony located in a myriad of asteroids and planets near two twin stars. In this context the Gorilla Force acts, whose purpose is to fight against crime After his first dangerous mission, a test that consists in evading some members of the team from the prison of the city of Garrick, the Gorilla Force obtains the authorization to use.
'Kingdom of Dreams' is a stunning four-part series chronicling three critical decades of the fashion world, from the early 1990s through to the 2010s. Described as a Golden Age, this period of time was an era of disruption and innovation as the traditional fashion business bumped heads against the young and exciting international visionaries who were shaking up the industry. Using rare library material, never-before-seen personal archives and story-driven interviews, explore a pivotal time in fashion history up close.
The theatrical aquarium "átoa" that opened in Kobe is a new bayside landmark that offers new discoveries and impressions through exhibits that fuse art and aquarium. It is a new landmark in the bayside area of Kobe. A mini drama about a fish-viewing manual for modern people, set in an aquarium where you can be soothed by colorful creatures.