The hilarious sitcom, ‘Kollege Jeans’ was revolved around the campus life of National Arts Council (NCA). Directed by Jawad Bashir the play proved to be a turning point in the career of many talented artists including Faisal Qureshi, Ahmed Ibrahim, Samina Ahmed, Tariq Abro and Ali Zafar. The actors’ spontaneous comedy and witty comments were certainly something to watch for.
1961. A small town Strunevo behind 101-st kilometer. In contrast to the neighboring cities and villages, the crimes here do not happen often, but - crime disclosing is one of the best in the USSR. But while investigating the death of a school teacher operative Rodion Stotskii discovers that Strunevo - is 'the house, where is no shit', and the hosts in this house are "trusties" and "thieves in law" who chose this small town after the amnesty. And the majority of robberies and armed assaults in the neighboring cities and villages - most likely is the handiwork of the peaceful Strunevo inhabitants.
Prisoner Sanjay accidentally travels with the time machine of Dr. Albert D'souza to the period of Mahabharat during Dhritirashtra's rein in Hastinapur which creates a chaos in the region.
The Devil Speaks immerses viewers into a warm and happy world of people whose lives are about to be overturned by a brutal murder. The Devil Speaks uses real recordings to peel back the layers of the case; from police interviews, to recorded phone calls and voicemails. Only then do we tie all the elements together, showing the chain of events that lead to murder.
Hosted by Rove McManus, this comedy panel game show features two teams captained by acclaimed actor Jane Harber and comedy star Joel Creasey who compete in a series of movie trivia rounds.
Jouji Gouda, a new transfer student at Hakuryo High, instantly falls in love with Akane Suzumiya and boldly proposes to her, right on his first day at the new school. Although Akane finds him very annoying, hot-blooded and simple-minded this does not discourage Jouji, who keeps on trying to find ways to express his love to Akane.
Kick into overdrive with WWE Speed, a unique squared circle competition airing exclusively on X. Premiering as part of WrestleMania Week, the fast-paced show will begin with a tournament to crown the inaugural WWE Speed Champion.
Get ready for a one-of-a-kind look inside Broadway's longest-running musical, The Phantom of the Opera, with the hit show's strong-voiced title star, Ben Crawford.
A live-action children's television series following 15 year old Oliver Cates and his friend Dee who - using their homemade time machine- zap historical figures into their 21st century lives.
When the IT bubble burst in 2000, it was the culmination of a period of big dreams, fast money and an exaggerated belief in the possibilities of the internet. Hear the story of the crazy journey of some of the pioneers who became millionaires in a flash and lost it all just as quickly.
Through quotes from ancient Chinese literature, CGTN brings an entirely new avenue to discover the stories behind the classics and discuss the cultural foundation of the Chinese. The series will help viewers understand the Chinese wisdom to govern an evolving nation.
The drama's story twists around to ask what would happen if Lee Myong Ryong was unattractive, while his servant Bang Ja Jeon was attractive? During Lee Myong Ryong's courtship with Lady Chun Hyang both parties use their servants to communicate...
Better Days is an American television sitcom that aired on CBS from October 1, 1986 to October 29, 1986.