Nano Invaders follows the eye-popping adventures of Hikaru, 11, who is dragged into a series of battles between two rival alien clans. One day Hikaru tries on a bracelet that belongs to his classmate Mimi and he turns into a monster. Mimi’s family is a special scouting unit from planet Anima. When alien invaders from a rival planet Damon attack the city, Hikaru joins force with Mimi’s family to fight back. The battle gets on the TV, making Hikaru and the aliens instant heroes. Simple-minded Hikaru is happy to see his dream come true, not knowing that Mimi’s family is plotting to take over the earth too!
The Investigation explores the journey of a Mumbai Crime Branch ACP unravelling a murder mystery. Featuring Hiten Tejwani in the lead as the ACP and Leena Jumani as his wife.
Entrepreneur Eric Collins offers his expertise, unrivalled business acumen and his own capital investment to small, struggling British businesses, to help turn their fortunes around.
Work-life balance, side job, online meetings… In today's world of drastically-changing work styles, an incredibly cheerful but incapable new employee is borne! Meet Marilyn Tanaka. She is assigned to a redundant department where a peculiar employee, Ms. Minegishi, becomes her senior. "Don't you want to climb the ladder?", she tempts Marilyn.
The family lives of those working on Australia's Snowy Mountains dam in the 1950s.
Deals on Wheels was a British television series originally shown by United Kingdom TV channel Channel 4, but now shown on the Discovery Channel, fronted by Mike Brewer and Richard Sutton. The original run of the series was between 1997 and 2001. there were 5 seasons. for season 1 the show was set in a fictional garage. season 2 was set in a different garage. but for season 3 and 4, the show was set in an ally garage. but it was a fake street. Richard sutton left the show in 2000 leaving Mike Brewer to continue the show. it was cancelled in 2001 for unknown reasons.
The infamous Danny Doom and ambitious bartender, Lhandi, pour beers across a desolate wasteland in their mobile pub named The Oasis. Danny and his comrades face ruthless desert gangs, creeps with the power to steal memories, and, perhaps the worst thing of all, bathroom graffiti.
A Bride for a Ride is a 2009 Hong Kong television series based on the traditional Pingtan story of the same name. Set during the prosperous Ming Dynasty of China, the drama revolves around the rich and influential Wong family and their comedic ties with Chow Man-bun, a young and handsome scholar who has a specialty in cross-dressing. To prove his worth to Wong Sau-ying, his ideal lover, he cross dresses as a beauty in a lantern festival so he can get closer to her. Sau-ying's older brother, Tiger Wong, sees Man-bun's beauty and kidnaps him home. A Bride for a Ride consists of elements of Cantonese opera. Chin Kar-lok, who stars as Tiger Wong, is also the drama's action choreographer.
A woman who believes in the old-school magic of romance and a practical man who believes in modern-day dating fall in love despite their opposing ideas of romance
Pin Anong is the daughter of Ounreuan, the housemaid of Khun Nai Kongsook at the Phaisaan's Farm and Resort. Ounreuan was an orphan who became grateful of Khun Nai's family for raising her and providing her with a shelter and education. Ounreuan taught her daughter to be grateful of Khun Nai also because Khun Nai supported Pin's education until she received her bachelor degree. At the farm Khun Nai was known as the evil witch who mistreated Ounreuan and Pin Anong and exploited the workers at the farm by refusing to pay them wages.