A story revolves around a 26-year-old single woman Sachi who lives in Tokyo working for a pub. She frequents a show house alone as she plans to buy a home of her own. She looks around the room seriously and asks incisive questions to the attendants. Through her house hunt, we can catch a glimpse of what the modern Japanese women truly want.
Each week, two teams of aspiring food entrepreneurs battle to win their own food court restaurant, rent-free for a year.
Emilia has come from the north to Santiago, there she will meet Zico and his group of friends with whom she will learn the importance of love and friendship.
The wine business has brought the King's family success and acclaim, but following the patriarch's sudden exit from the company, his three children must grapple for the reigns to the kingdom, to their own power, wealth and legacy.
Australian celebrities play detective as they go in search of their family history, revealing secrets from the past. Along the way there will be scandal, adultery, pioneers, bushrangers, artists and royalty. Join the trail of discovery to uncover where these celebrities came from as they find out just who they think they are.
Follow five dynamic women on the rise as they face high stakes in both their social circle and the medical world. These doctors and wives of doctors appear to have it all: they are educated, attractive, and polished professionals, but beneath the surface, viewers will see major obstacles that threaten their upward momentum. After putting their lives on hold to be a physician or a dedicated wife, the ladies must navigate marriage, children, family, and Houston society.
A series based around explaining and celebrating the Star Trek fandom in every aspect.