The story reimagines Yoshiko Tsushima, the school idol afflicted with chuunibyou (adolescent delusions of grandeur), as a magical girl. The story is set in Numazu, a scenic harbor town surrounded by the sea and mountains. Ever since she was little, the girl Yohane has never fit in, and has always felt apart from everyone in town. Her aspirations and true place in this world lie elsewhere. The story follows this girl who can't follow rules as she journeys into the mysterious world.
Did Wataru's intentions slip by Aika because she was getting impatient?! This is the start of a romcom revolving around two people who just can't get their feelings across and both think their love is unrequited!
Newly elected president of one of the largest humanitarian organisations in the world, Suzanne Fontana is put to the test when a young delegate and a dozen employees of the organisation are kidnapped in Yemen.
Photographer César Fraga and writer Maurício Barros de Castro travel throughout Africa to investigate the true history and impact of colonial slavery.
Orphaned as a child, Liu E travels to the capital Kaifeng, and later catches the eye of Zhao Heng. Though she was a concubine, Liu E was perceptive to state affairs, and often discussed politics with Zhao Heng. This tradition continued when he became emperor in 997. Liu E is crowned empress after adopting the son of a concubine (later Emperor Renzong), and serves as regent of the Song Dynasty during the last two years of her husband’s reign. Liu E would continue to rule until her death twelve years later in 1033.
"If the dark night comes to an end, I will stand in front of tens of thousands of people, slashing my sword into the abyss, staining the sky with blood!" Have you ever thought that monsters from ancient myths lurk under the bright neon cities? Have you ever thought that above the moon hanging high above the heads of the world, there are gods watching over the world? Have you ever thought that in the crowded modern cities, there are extraordinary people who walk the world in place of gods?
Lomax, the Hound of Music is a PBS Kids TV series that brings together puppets, humans, live music and animation to promote musical education for children ages 3–7. Created by Christopher Cerf, Norman Stiles and Louise Gikow, and produced by Sirius Thinking, Ltd., Eyevox, Inc., and Connecticut Public Television, Lomax first aired in December 2008, and immediately gained a reputation as a show that follows in the tradition of acclaimed educational children's TV series like Sesame Street, and Between the Lions. Lomax, the Hound of Music follows the adventures of Lomax, a good-natured, melody-obsessed puppet pooch, his feline sidekick Delta, and their human companion, Amy, on a tune-filled train ride crisscrossing the musical landscape of America. With the help - and full participation - of real kids on the train, on location, and the viewers at home, Lomax and his friends track down the wonderful songs that form the heart of our nation's diverse musical heritage.
South Central is an American comedy-drama series that aired on the Fox network from April 5, 1994 to June 7, 1994. It was cancelled following its first season, and the airing of only 10 episodes.
A black comedy about a test-taker who tried to pay for a motel overnight with a bag of 100 million dollars in a delivery accident.
The series is about the struggle between two opposing schools of thought. Hua Xin Shi are those that collect the pure sentiments of people after they learn to let go of their obsession. Yang Xin Shi are those who collect the impure thoughts of people consumed by their own insecurities.
Most people are attracted to the idea of a holiday romance, but they can lead to heartbreak and financial ruin. Predators lurk in glamorous holiday destinations and are experts in wooing unsuspecting singletons. They trap them in a web of deceit, emptying their bank accounts and using them to get a visa. In each episode, we get introduced to four different women how all share their unique stories.
Amazing magic performed by cutting-edge illusionists and escape artists in front of a live audience with performers in each episode display skills ranging from perplexing interactive mind magic to hilarious comedy routines.
Set in the year of the Indian economic meltdown, Abhay, an angry poet and dreamer from the dusty chawl of Kanjurmarg, aspires for a rags-to-riches story for himself. In this ambitious journey, he falls in love with Manjiri, a poetess with a starkly different view on life.
Sana Maulit Muli is a Filipino primetime soap opera produced by ABS-CBN. It was considered as one of the most watched television shows in the Philippines from January 8, 2007 to April 20, 2007 . In Taiwan, the soap premiered on February 18, 2008 with the title, Chances.
Chom is being forced by her mother to marry someone of her mother’s choosing. Chom doesn’t want to and wants to be able to choose for herself who she will marry. She meets a country bumpkin named Nin and they enter into a fake marriage to prevent Chom’s mother from making her marry someone else. Will this fake marriage turn into real love?