Spitting Image is an award winning British satirical puppet show, created by Peter Fluck, Roger Law and Martin Lambie-Nairn. The series was produced by Spitting Image Productions for Central Independent Television over 18 series which aired on the ITV from 1984 to 1996. The series was nominated and won numerous awards during its run including 10 BAFTA Awards, including one for editing in 1989, and even won two Emmy Awards in 1985 and 1986 in the Popular Arts Category. The series featured puppet caricatures of celebrities famous during the 1980s and 1990s, including British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and fellow Tory politicians, American president Ronald Reagan, and the British Royal Family. The Series was the first to caricature the Queen mother.
Tots TV is a British children's television programme, produced by Ragdoll Productions and Central. The programme featured three ragdoll friends: Tilly, a French girl, with red hair, who speaks in basic French, Tom, a blue haired boy with glasses, and Tiny, the youngest Tot, who is smaller than the others and has green hair. Tots TV was written by two of its puppeters - Robin Stevens and Andrew Davenport with Tilly played by three actresses - initially Veronique Deroulede, then Claire Carre and Alexandra Hogg. The series won two BAFTA awards for its producer Anne Wood and director Vic Finch. Originally broadcast in the UK on the ITV network, CBeebies, the BBC's television channel for young children,pick up the series from 2004. The Series was also broadcast in the United States on the PBS network from 1996 with 'Tilly speaking Spanish, instead of French. In 2000 Discovery Kids broadcast the series throughout Central and South America, the Caribbean and the Falkland Islands.
Adolf Hitler caused the deaths of fifty million people. An entire nation followed him to ruin. Over a tumultuous 12 years Adolf Hitler went from being a minor rabble-rousing politician, to supreme leader of Nazi Germany. He was hated by those he persecuted, and even by some of his own commanders - yet in twenty-five years no one managed to kill him. This program shows how Hitler's bodyguards helped him cheat death on many occasions. They expanded from a handful of thugs recruited to protect political meetings and fight opponents on the streets, to many thousands - including some of the most fearsome secret police and paramilitary forces the world has ever known.
An anthology series of seven linked plays about the lives of people connected with the universities of Oxford and Cambridge.
Former bride and forever comedian Jamie Lee shares her irreverent yet practical tips and tricks for wedding planning with struggling lovebirds.
Two lovable idiot "private detectives" (or at least, that's their cover story —more like gangsters) try to make ends meet on the mean streets of Tokyo.
How to Meet a Perfect Neighbor is a 2007 South Korean television series starring Kim Seung-woo, Bae Doona, Park Si-hoo, Wang Ji-hye, Son Hyun-joo and Kim Sung-ryung. It aired on SBS from July 25 to September 27, 2007 on Wednesdays and Thursdays at 21:55 for 20 episodes. The romantic comedy series was partially filmed in Cambodia, the first time for a Korean drama to be shot in that country.
A super big project commemorating the 25th anniversary of the formation of TEAM NACS and the 30th anniversary of wowow's opening. It was filmed in Hokkaido, the birthplace of TEAM NACS. Starting with "Back to the Sentai Futures", in which members dress as heroes who homage the masterpiece movie and Yo Yoshida participates as the villain "Emperor DeLorean", music is produced with the aim of becoming a national group, "NACS New Member Audition" will be held.
Revealing how the cultures and lives of millions of ordinary people are shaped by the magnificent waters they live along. River by river, we explore six of the world's most iconic watercourses, tracing their routes, their histories and their changing lives, telling the compelling stories of the life that's lived along their banks.
«Norsk Rocks Historie» is a Norwegian documentary series about the history of rock'n'roll music in Norway.
Follows a story of a village where a new teacher by the name of Shawkat and a handful of people are trying to bring some positive changes through awareness and education.