Set in the Edo Period of Japan, the series follows a young ninja named Hayate, who is the son of a man who developed a special technique called the "Transformation Jutsu" capable of granting a superhuman form. However, their Ninja clan, the warmongering Blood Wheel Clan, begins using the Transformation Jutsu to spread fear and terror all throughout Japan as part of their campaign to conquer it, going against the peaceful intentions Hayate's father had when creating it. After the Blood Wheel Clan slaughter a village, Hayate is able to convince his initially reluctant father to perform the transformation procedure on him, enabling him to become a birdman ninja known as "Arashi" to defend people from the Blood Wheel Clan. Hayate's father is later murdered by the Blood Wheel Clan when they discover his betrayal, but Hayate himself escapes and teams up with the Iga Clan to fight and keep the Blood Wheel Clan from taking over Japan.
Hayate / Henshin Ninja Arashi
Henry teams-up with Fuzz Townshend once again. The duo will be doing what they do best: digging in the nation's sheds, barns and outbuildings, this time to (hopefully) find a tidy profit in some vintage motors
In Discovery Channel's top-rated show `Gold Rush', gold miners, inexperienced as some may be, hope to strike it rich in the wilds of Alaska and beyond. Some dismal summers result, filled with injuries, malfunctioning equipment and constant fighting among the greenhorn miners, yet serious cases of gold fever always trump any talk of giving up and sometimes leads to dreams being salvaged. The companion series `The Dirt' presents the inside scoop on behind-the-scenes relationships between such miners as brash youngster Parker Schnabel and longtime Yukon resident Tony Beets, as the quest to hit the mother lode never stops.
This series takes the contestants back to Camp Wawanakwa, only this time with thirteen new contestants; Anne Maria, B, Brick, Cameron, Dakota, Dawn, Jo, Lightning, Mike, Sam, Scott, Staci, and Zoey. Additionally the island is radioactive due to becoming a nuclear waste dump. This new season has new friendships, new rivalries, new relationships, and the biggest drama to date.
A Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday show where I talk about the news and pop culture that matters to me and should matter to you.
Ian Nathan explores the many layers of the world of filmmaking, discussing each episode with filmmakers, cultural commentators, historians, authors and critics; what defines these stories, how they came to be, and who were the creative forces behind them.
A forensic doctor named Hamdi Abdel Rahim and his wife are expecting twins after a long marriage. They make the difficult decision to hire a home manager to look after the twins, but they struggle a lot to find someone.
Career-driven Veron was left by her husband Mario to be with another woman named Laura. What was supposed to be a new beginning for the two was short-lived as Veron's revenge would lead to unfortunate circumstances. 23 years later, Laura's daughter Clarisse lands a job as Veron's assistant. As soon as the latter finds out about Clarisse and Laura's filial relationship, she plots her revenge by engaging in a love affair with Jio--her protégée's husband. Driven by malevolence from a failed past love, "Magkaagaw" tells the story of a legal wife who eventually becomes the person she hated the most: a mistress.
My Antonio is a television show about Antonio Sabàto, Jr.'s attempt to find true love. Single women arrive in Hawaii to compete for Antonio's love but the competition becomes more of a soap opera when Antonio's mother comes into the picture and his ex-wife, Tully, returns proclaiming that she still loves him.
A landmark documentary series that takes a spectacular journey from the Great Barrier Reef down to Antarctica, revealing the ocean currents that create life on our planet, and what we can do to protect our planet's beating blue heart.
Carmen, wants to fame .. and can not find a solution but lying, but fall in love (Tawfiq), putting it in comic situations.
Qiao Jingjing, a celebrity, and Yu Tu, an aerospace engineer were high school classmates. Qiao Jingjing confessed to Yu Tu twice but was rejected both times. Ten years later, Qiao Jingjing became a top celebrity. She wants to become the endorser of a video game but was exposed that her gaming skills are super bad. By chance, she meets Yu Tu, who is now an aerospace engineer and is currently feeling lost about his career. Under Qiao Jingjing's set-up, Yu Tu becomes her gaming coach. They slowly fall in love over time.
In a galaxy far away, there is a kid without innate ability to practice internal techniques. So, in order to gain the respect of his father, he resolutely chooses to follow the more difficult and painful path of practicing external techniques. As the years go by, he grows up, but what really changes his life is a mysterious meteoric crystal stone – the Meteoric Tear. This stone fuses with the young man’s body unnoticed, and he seems to undergo drastic transformations as a result. After that, everything is changed. Eventually his father knows that the son for whom he hasn’t really shown a lot of consideration possesses astonishing abilities. And there’s a lot more to come.
Police Rescue was an Australian television series The series dealt with the New South Wales Police Rescue Squad based in Sydney and their work attending to various incidents from road accidents to train crashes.
With the help of a journalist from their homeland, a Chinese cultural relic tries to escape the British Museum to return back to their beloved motherland. — The vast majority of the museum's massive collection of up to 8 million items came from countries beyond the UK. The trustees of the British Museum have become the world's largest receivers of stolen property, and the great majority of their loot is not even on public display. Data from UNESCO shows that 1.6 million Chinese cultural relics were stolen and collected by 47 museums around the world, among which the British Museum has the largest collection. Many were plundered during the Siege of Beijing by the Eight-Nation Alliance in 1900.