The series revolves around the family of Fatima Ta'alba (Huda Sultan) and her children. Her eldest son is Hajj Darwish (Youssef Shaaban). The idea of the series revolves around the framework of an Egyptian family, the mother, Fatima Talaba, who raises her children in her own style, and her main goal is to form a large, interconnected and undisjointed family, and to secure the family's future by buying agricultural lands for them to become property owners. Hajj Darwish is the head of the family and is married to Maryam (Fadia Abdel-Ghani), his cousin. Fatima Talabeh controls all the family’s decisions to the extent that she chooses the wives of her children without taking their opinion and marries them. The mother controls the wives of her children and the entire house, including those in it.
The role of the story about the class struggle between the old feudal class represented in the family of Al-'Azayzeh and the class of new owners represented in the family of Al-Sawalim who were previously employed.
Sarah is a girl whose mental development stopped at a very young age. After she slips into a coma that lasts for years, she crosses paths with a dedicated young doctor who decides to wake her up from her coma. When she wakes up, he ends up falling with her, not knowing what he is signing up for.
Growing up in traditional, multigenerational households, this group is bonded by their strong cultural ties and vibrant Miami social lives. With parents and grandparents instilling their cherished customs, and adult children who are drifting more towards the “American Way,” the two worlds collide in the most unexpected ways. These friends are determined to live life to the fullest, navigate the pressures of being in adulthood, while maintaining their deep-rooted ties to an incredible culture.
Bluff was a Canadian television game show hosted by Mike Darrow which aired on CBC Television on Wednesday evenings at 7:30 between October 6, 1976 and April 27, 1977. Produced by Riff Markowitz and co-ordinating producer was Jack Budgell. Celebrity comedians were part of a panel who told tall tales and a contestant had to guess which was true.
A tribute to a legendary duo from the golden age in television variety. From 1971 to 1987, and over the course of twelve series and eight specials, The Two Ronnies was one of the nation's favourite television comedy shows. The show was practically an institution, with Christmas and Easter holidays only really being complete for most families, with a Two Ronnies special. This compilation features favourite sketches from sixteen years of the much-loved and much-missed programme, including: * The Vagaband Lover (before he died of drink, women and horses) * Swedish Made Simple * Mastermind (answering the question before last) and * The St. Botolph's Country Dance Team
Quarantining at home hasn't stopped everyone's favorite foot fixers from helping patients with their foot troubles. Dr. Brad and Dr. Ebonie are teaming up with the compassionate and intelligent Dr. Sarah Haller, who is joining the medical series and has been working alongside Dr. Brad for years, on all new episodes of My Feet Are Killing Me: First Steps. In the midst of a world shutdown by COVID-19, these dynamic foot doctors pledge to help shocking podiatric cases, one video call at a time. Each 30-minute episode will follow three patients as they undergo virtual consultations to begin their journey towards surgeries that will leave their feet radically transformed and their lives changed forever. COVID toes have nothing on these cases!
Crossballs: The Debate Show is a Comedy Central television show which poked fun at cable news networks' political debate shows, especially CNN's Crossfire and MSNBC's Hardball with Chris Matthews. In each episode, comedians posing as experts on a particular subject would debate two real commentators. The true experts were unaware that the show was a sham. Topics ranged from reality television to religion to violence in video games. It debuted on July 6, 2004 and ran for eight weeks. It aired Tuesday-Friday at 7:30 p.m. ET. The twenty-third and final episode aired on August 24, 2004. Show number 24 was taped but never aired, after one of the unsuspecting guests, James March, threatened to sue Comedy Central.
In her journey, Pocahontas and her spiritual companion Hopi Ho, get the chance to become acquainted with the different ways of living of the different American Indian tribes that they visit.
Welcome to the world of Unspeakable. Watch YouTube sensation Nathan Graham as he pulls pranks, competes in wild challenges with friends and collaborates with YouTube stars like Preston and ZHC.
Father Ray, a card-playing, cocktail-sipping, blues-loving priest, ministers to his parishioners at St. Thomas, a large urban church in an inner-city neighborhood. He grapples with his own personal failings, including occasional crises of faith. Offering support are wise older priest Father Leo, young idealist Father Eric, and feminist nun Sister Maureen. (The series was co-created by a Jesuit priest named Bill Cain and producer David Manson.)
Director-actor Mikko Niskanen was probably his generation's greatest auteur, as well as its most troubled - in his career, success and failure almost always came in pairs, and sometimes proved indistinguishable.
The series follows the lives and loves of three 30-something professionals in modern day Athens. Elli (Faidra Douka) is a junior executive in a record company, having to deal with a highly demanding bitch-of-a-boss. Following the end of a serious relationship, Elli is worried about never having a chance to marry or have kids. Her search for new partners mostly results in the entry of weirdos in her life. Mitsaki (Mirto Alikaki) is a radio producer with a love-hate-relationship with her own boss. A life-long party girl with a tendency towards short-lived relationships and an aversion to taking any short of responsibility, Mitsaki has to come to grips with the idea of growing up. Billy (Giorgos Pyrpassopoulos) is a reporter with a rather unsteady love-life. He is a homosexual, but tends to be turned-off by the quirks of his various partners and has yet to fully commit to a relationship.