Checkmate is an American detective television series starring Anthony George, Sebastian Cabot, and Doug McClure. The show aired on CBS Television from 1960 to 1962 for a total of 70 episodes and was produced by Jack Benny's production company, "JaMco Productions" in co-operation with Revue Studios. Guest stars included Charles Laughton, Peter Lorre, and Lee Marvin, among many other commensurately prominent performers.
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Jue Ze (zh)
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Locust (ru)
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Marriage Stories (cs)
This highly acclaimed cycle of documentaries observing changes in the lives of married couples from their weddings to the present day,. The series of six full-length films directed by Helena Treštíková met with an extraordinary reception when it was presented on television. Almost a million spectators watched some of the life-stories, a number never previously reached by any documentary program. This enormous interest is well deserved; the films have so many layers that they will maintain their relevance and value even into the future.
Sound of Cinema: The Music That Made the Movies (en)
Series celebrating the art of the cinema soundtrack, as Neil Brand explores the work of the great movie composers and demonstrates their techniques.
Gardening Australia (en)
Gardening Australia provides practical, realistic and credible horticultural and gardening advice, inspiring and entertaining Australian gardeners around the nation.
His & Hers (en)
His & Hers is an American sitcom that aired from March 5, 1990 to August 22, 1990. The series Martin Mull and Stephanie Faracy as two married marriage counselors with kids from a former union.
Acorns (en)
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Instant Dream House (en)
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