The comedians is a British television show of the 1970s produced by Johnnie Hamp of Granada Television. The show gave a stage to nightclub and working men's club comedians of the era, including Russ Abbot, Lennie Bennett, Stan Boardman, Jim Bowen, Jimmy Bright, Duggie Brown, Mike Burton, Dave Butler, Brian Carroll, Frank Carson, Mike Coyne, Jimmy Cricket, Colin Crompton, Pauline Daniels, Charlie Daze, Vince Earl, Steve Faye, Eddie Flanagan, Stu Francis, Ken Goodwin, Jackie Hamilton, Jerry Harris, George King, Bobby Knutt, Bernard Manning, Mike McCabe, Paul Melba, Mick Miller, Hal Nolan, Tom O'Connor, Tom Pepper, Bryn Phillips, Mike Reid, George Roper, Harry Scott, Sammy Thomas, Johnny Wager, Roy Walker, Charlie Williams, Lee Wilson and Lenny Windsor. Also featured on the TV show, were Shep's Banjo Boys, a 7-piece band comprising Charlie Bentley, John Drury, Andy Holdorf, John Orchard, John Rollings, Graham Shepherd and Howard Shepherd. In 1973, the line up was Mike Dexter, Tony "Tosh" Kennedy, Ged Martin, Tony Pritchard, Graham Shepherd and Howard "Shep" Shepherd.
'Kingdom of Dreams' is a stunning four-part series chronicling three critical decades of the fashion world, from the early 1990s through to the 2010s. Described as a Golden Age, this period of time was an era of disruption and innovation as the traditional fashion business bumped heads against the young and exciting international visionaries who were shaking up the industry. Using rare library material, never-before-seen personal archives and story-driven interviews, explore a pivotal time in fashion history up close.
In the first coproduction of a TV drama between Japan and South Korea, a Japanese tourist and a South Korean film student become good friends after a chance meeting in Hong Kong.
From the producers of popular TV Series Deceduti and L-Evangelisti comes Min Imissu; a unique comedy show where a variety of elements and characters are all blended together and juiced up with a solid dose of actuality, satire and good natured humour in a cabaret style show. See less
Sofia and Emil have agreed to give each other presents for Christmas. When the present for Sofia turns out to be expensive, Emil asks his friend Liam for help earning some money.
The story revolves around Eloisa, who had a perfect life with a successful and loving husband, two wonderful children, and supportive friends. However, her life takes a dramatic turn when her friend Clarisse betrays her, leading to a series of tragic events. As Eloisa’s world crumbles, she seeks refuge with Kelly to rebuild her life. Despite her efforts to move on, Eloisa finds herself haunted by the consequences of Clarisse’s actions.
The Emperor in Han Dynasty,[1] also released under the title The Emperor Han Wu in some countries, is a 2005 Chinese historical television series based on the life of Emperor Wu of the Han dynasty. It uses the historical texts Records of the Grand Historian and Book of Han as its source material. The series covers the life of Emperor Wu from his early childhood to his death and some events in the reign of Emperor Jing (Emperor Wu's father and predecessor), such as the Rebellion of the Seven States. It follows the conflicts that defined the pivotal war between the Han Empire and the Xiongnu, and depicts the major victories that the Han scored over the Xiongnu during Emperor Wu's reign. Prominent historical figures such as the generals Li Guang, Wei Qing and Huo Qubing, as well as the diplomats Su Wu and Zhang Qian, also make appearances as supporting characters in the series.
Lin Pin Ru get married to Hong Shi Xian. Hong Shi Xian later betrays her and has an affair with Ai Li, Lin Pin Ru's best friend. At that time Lin Pin Ru is pregnant with Hong Shi Xian's child. Later Lin Pin Ru and Hong Shi Xian are trapped on a boat in the middle of a beach, They both fall in and Hong Shi Xian made it out alive whereas Lin Pin Ru is drowning and has lost her child. On the same day Lin Pin Ru drowns in the water, Gao Shan Shan is committing suicide, and she goes drowns herself in the same beach Lin Pin Ru dies. Goa Shan Shan's brother, Gao Wen Yan goes to save her sister, but instead, he saved Lin Pin Ru. Lin Pin Ru later takes the name Goa Shan Shan and learns to do the stuff that Gao Shan Shan does, but however this time she is out for revenge on Hong Shi Xian and Ai Li.
Urda: The Third Reich is an original net animation written and directed by Romanov Higa. The story takes place circa 1943, during World War II. Facing a losing war, the Nazi Party discovers a marooned spaceship capable of time travel, thus enabling them to alter the outcome of their fate. Enter Erna Kurtz, a newly hired spy who stumbles upon the Nazis' plot. With the help of her fearless friend Janet, Erna must face her past in order to secure her future.
The Vivienne, UK's first RuPaul's Drag Race Superstar, is joined by her celebrity friends to see what it takes to make it in Hollywood.
Love and romance in the bordeaux of a Thai farming village.
Abandoned by his wife, Martin is lying to his daughter not to be upset. But as Hanka grows, these lies become unbearable. Martin meets Nada unexpectedly, asked her to be a rent-a-mother and all lives are completely changed.
Kureshima Takatora contracts Oren to kill Jounichi... Oren's former student.