Karma is a 25 part Indian weekly superhero-fantasy television drama aired on STAR Plus from August 27, 2004 to February 11, 2005 on Friday nights. Karma, directed by Pawan Kaul and written by Subodh Chopra, involves the battle between good and evil as the titular superhero faced off against demonic evil. The main cast of the show was Siddharth Choudhary in the titular role of Karma, Riva Bubber and Tinu Anand. In 2007, the drama was re-aired on STAR Utsav.
Mike is contacted daily by members of the public who need to have small disputes resolved. Bolhuis Beslis is a platform for the parties involved to have their cases heard and decided by Mike, who has the experience and background to provide an unbiased, fair solution to the problem, thereby forgoing the expensive legal route which would otherwise have been the only solution to the problem.
Based on the acclaimed short film. 702 tells the story of a confused young woman is mugged by two first timers. They have bigger plans in which she is involved. The Journey brings her an incredible opportunity for revenge.
Competitors who have made it to the finals of The Challenge kick it up a notch as they face off with celebrities for new prizes.
Broken Bread showcases inspiring people who are making a difference in their communities through food. Restaurant entrepreneur, social activist and acclaimed chef Roy Choi takes viewers on a journey through his hometown, the city of Los Angeles, exploring complex social justice issues while meeting inspiring individuals and organizations who use food as a platform for activism as well as a catalyst for change.
Animusic is an American company specializing in the 3D visualization of MIDI-based music. Founded by Wayne Lytle, it is incorporated in New York and has offices in Texas and California. The initial name of the company was Visual Music, changed to Animusic in 1995. The company is known for its Animusic compilations of computer-generated animations, based on MIDI events processed to simultaneously drive the music and on-screen action, leading to and corresponding to every sound. Unlike many other music visualizations, the music drives the animation. While other productions might animate figures or characters to the music, the animated models in Animusic are created first, and are then programmed to follow what the music "tells them" to. 'Solo cams' featured on the Animusic DVD shows how each instrument actually plays through a piece of music from beginning to end.
Capital Connection is a television business news programme aired every weekday on various CNBC channels around the world. It is broadcast live from CNBC Asia's studios in Singapore and is anchoring by CNBC Asia's Chloe Cho and CNBC Europe's Carolin Roth. A third co-anchor, Yousef Gamal El-Din, joined the show from the network's newly opened Bahrain studio on 14 June 2010. Originally, this leg of the show was only featured from Monday to Thursday, but was later featured every weekday from February 2011 to November 2011, when the Bahrain leg was discontinued altogether. As a result, Capital Connection reverted to two continents. The programme debuted on 2007-03-26 as a result of significant schedule changes at both networks. Billed as "the bridge between Asia and Europe", the show airs from noon to 1pm Hong Kong/Singapore/Taiwan Time on CNBC Asia and from 6am to 7am CET on CNBC Europe. The broadcast also airs on the CNBC World channel in the United States weekdays from midnight to 1am ET.
Four passionate women with diverse backgrounds pursue their dreams of becoming professional surfers. But in order to remain afloat, each of them must overcome issues to capture surf stardom from WaveSync, a struggling surf company eager to reinvigorate itself.
A series based around explaining and celebrating the Star Trek fandom in every aspect.