Strike it Lucky was a popular British television game show from 29 October 1986 to 23 August 1999, originally produced by Thames Television for ITV, and presented by the British comedian Michael Barrymore. It was based on the American show of the same name that aired in 1986. In its formative years, it became well known for the outlandish and often highly eccentric contestants it featured - Barrymore would often spend over 5 minutes talking to them. The introductory footage of the prizes on offer were also noteworthy, often filmed in black-and-white with a slapstick style. In 1987, it was the fifth most watched programme on UK television. The Thames Television version of the show was recorded at Teddington Studios, and later Pinewood Studios. From 1996, the new version aired under the title Strike it Rich!; this being the title of the short-lived American game show Strike it Rich! on which it was based, and it moved to The London Studios. The reason for the name change was that the show was now being co-produced by LWT with Fremantle, so despite now being owned by the same company as Fremantle, Thames were unwilling to allow LWT use of the original title. There is also the factor that when the show was first exported to the UK, the Independent Broadcasting Authority's prize limits were still in place, and "Rich" was probably dropped from the title because of the relatively low value of prizes on offer; by the time it returned as Strike it Rich! the limits had been lifted and it was giving away a substantially higher value of prizes.
A story of a little girl Verka and her life during the beginning of WWII. Based on Vera Sládková novels.
Miss Susan is a daytime drama which aired on NBC from March 12 to December 28, 1951. The show, originating from Philadelphia and later retitled Martinsville, U.S.A., aired for fifteen minutes at 3:00 p.m. ET on weekdays. The main writer was William Kendall Clarke.
Unorthodox but effective FBI veteran agent Charles Barker takes on a rookie partner, Ellis Dove. Barker trains Dove in a hard-edged, psychologically driven approach towards undercover work, where a moment's hesitation can lead to death. As the job takes its toll on Dove, an Internal Affairs team tries to enlist the rookie as a double-agent in the bureau's investigation of his partner.
The adventures of an observant and curious bunny rabbit named Elinor and her friends Ari, a bat, and Olive, an elephant.
Croatia's take on the popular UK show Taskmaster, where celebrities take on elaborate task each week.
A quest-addicted hero slashes his way across a satirical fantasy universe with melodramatic ferocity, always obeying the letter of the law but never its spirit.
The Earth’s continents are instantly recognizable. These iconic landmasses seem permanent and unchanging, yet they are merely the wreckage of a much larger long-lost supercontinent – Pangaea. In this stunning four part series Professor Iain Stewart uncovers the evidence for this ancient past. He reveals how the world around us is full of clues – in the rocks, the landscapes and even the animals. All of which tell us how the land we live on was created.
Mennen Tullen is a four-part parody mini-series created by Studio Julmahuvi. It aired on YLE between 2000 and -01. Though created in a form of a serious murder-mystery it is in fact a dark comedy with occasional absurd elements, technology and conventions. The cast of characters are from Julmahuvi's various fictional cop-series and there are also other references to Julmahuvi's previous productions.
One hour dramedy that centers around Tony, an industrious young man with bionic limbs who sets out to do the impossible: restore justice in his hometown and simultaneously win the heart of Masha, an aspiring singer and the town’s most beautiful girl.
Cachitos de hierro y cromo is a Spanish musical-themed documentary program, directed by Jero Rodríguez and hosted by Virginia Díaz. It is an unapologetic musical display of RTVE's sound legacy in the form of performances on the set of programs such as 'Aplauso', 'Galas del Sábado', 'Mapa Sonoro', 'Zona Franca' or 'Los Conciertos de Radio 3'. For nearly 60 years, artists and other specimens have stormed viewers' screens. The result is a polyphony of images and memories that includes everything from James Brown to Camela, from Perales to REM, from Gabinete to Violent Femmes. And so all the time. Our secret weapon has been the historical archive of TVE, the repository of Spanish collective memory for more than half a century.