Shiratori Mikoto utilizes his keen observation skills as a badminton player. However, a traumatic incident at the Interhigh leaves him unable to play the way he wants. He's cut from Mitsuboshi Bank's powerhouse amateur team. In an attempt to make a comeback, he takes a job at Sunlight Beverages, where he finds waiting for him work with unfamiliar coworkers and a weak unaccomplished badminton team...
Boogie Woogie was an Indian Television dance show that aired on Sony Entertainment Television. Debuting in 1995, the show is hosted by Indian film and television personalities, Naved Jaffrey and Ravi Behl, who are also the producers and creators of the show. Javed Jaffrey appears as the permanent celebrity judge. The show was relaunched by Sony Entertainment Television in 2003. It has become the longest lasting dance show in India.
A family is going to spend the summer together in the archipelago. Because it is the first summer since the mother of the family passed away, the children wants to support their father. The question is how three generations will be able to stand each other under the same roof.
Recounts and analyses great lies that have changed the course of history. An edifying examination of wide scale disinformation and cunning deceptions with serious geopolitical, historic and human consequences. Between an investigation and a forensic analysis. The biggest bluffs in our history.
Daily chat show, hosted by Angela Griffin, that combines topical debate with five lifestyle clubs: Diet and Health, Beauty, Books and Travel, Entertainment and Fashion.
The lives of a wildly eclectic group of people are intertwined through the place they all call home, a fabled Hollywood apartment building, El Capitan, which they've dubbed "The Captain." Josh, is a Hollywood whiz kid whose filmmaking career has hit a wall. Just when Josh is about to move back to New York, his accountant-to-the-stars best friend, Marty, convinces him to move into his legendary apartment building.
SEVENTEEN 'Follow' Tour is the fourth world tour by SEVENTEEN. The tour began on July 21, 2023 at the Gocheok Sky Dome in Seoul, South Korea.
Peter Jones, star of Dragons' Den, leaves his lair to meet some of Britain's top entrepreneurs, finding out how they made their millions and investigating whether there is a blueprint for success.
Chad Wild Clay, Vy Qwaint, and Daniel Gizmo race against Melvin PZ9 and Regina PZ4 to stop the 5 Steps bringing the return of the Project Zorgo Leader.
Miss Morison's Ghosts is a 1981 British supernatural television drama broadcast by ITV starring Hannah Gordon and Wendy Hiller. It is based on a book by two Oxford academics, Charlotte Anne Moberly and Eleanor Jourdain who claimed that in 1901, on a day trip to Versailles, they travelled back in time to the 18th century court of Louis XVI of France.
A look at Australia's billion-dollar political lobbying industry, Christiaan Van Vuuren's unlikely journey shows us why we should care, and how we can safeguard our democracy from being sold to the highest bidder.
An exploration of some of Asia's weirdest and most wonderful creatures and the seemingly bizarre behaviours they have adopted.
Stanley is an American situation comedy starring Buddy Hackett, Carol Burnett, and the voice of Paul Lynde. It aired on NBC during the 1956–1957 television season, produced by Max Liebman, who had previously produced Sid Caesar's Your Show of Shows, co-sponsored by American Tobacco and The Toni Company. Stanley revolved around the adventures of the namesake character as the operator of a newsstand in a posh New York City hotel. Burnett played his girlfriend, Celia, and Lynde voiced the unseen hotel owner, Mr. Fenton, who never appeared on camera but could frequently be heard giving orders to his staff. As was the case with several such programs, Stanley was aired live. Several episodes of the series, preserved on kinescope film, are known to exist. In the show's introduction, the following line was recited: "You think you've got troubles. Stanley, he's got troubles!"
Tib, a little boy living in prehistoric times, has a rather unusual friend: Tatoum, a tyrannosaurus! Unfortunately, not everyone in the tribe is happy with their close friendship: living with a dinosaur isn't easy.