Documentary series that shows the unforgettable stories that turned everyday people into household names—from Casey Anthony and Lorena Bobbitt to Amy Fisher and Tonya Harding. Each hour-long episode unfolds in the storytelling tradition of the fan favorite original series Murder Made Me Famous but Scandal Made Me Famousproves you don't have to kill to become a notorious celebrity—you just have to be a part of a killer scandal.
The adventures of Q Pootle 5 and friends, the small friendly residents of planet Okidoki.
Exactly 100 years ago, the world of the British manor house was at its height. It was a life of luxury and indolence for a wealthy few supported by the labor of hundreds of servants toiling ceaselessly "below stairs" to make the lives of their lords and ladies run as smoothly as possible. It is a world that has provided a majestic backdrop to a range of movies and popular costume dramas to this day, including PBS' "Downton Abbey." But what was really going on behind these stately walls? "Secrets of the Manor House" looks beyond the fiction to the truth of what life was like in these British houses of yesteryear. They were communities where two separate worlds existed side by side: the poor worked as domestic servants, while the nation’s wealthiest families enjoyed a lifestyle of luxury, and aristocrats ruled over their servants as they had done for a thousand years.
Follows the endless adventures of a fearless, teal-haired girl named D.D. Danger and her ever cautious best friend, a giant talking egg named Phillip. Together, join this buddy system as they explore an underground laboratory, meet a tech-savvy raccoon, and find moments of heart in the smallest bite of broccoli.
Kashiwagi Natsuko, who has stayed in the US for a long time, is a new investigator of Adjust Research, an insurance investigation firm. She possesses scientific genius and vast personal wealth, but has a tendency to feel out of place in Japanese society which is overly logical. On the other hand, Tono Aki is a veteran investigator in the same company. Born in the old part of Tokyo and a former delinquent, she is rather stingy because she lived in poverty when she was growing up. However, she has superb memory and animal instincts. Natsuko and Aki make an odd combination as they confront ingenious crimes associated with insurance money and expose the truth.
The shocking murder of a nurse opens old wounds in a small-town community, throwing a historic conviction into doubt, raising the horrifying prospect of a copycat killer and reuniting two former lovers tasked with finding the killer.
Sebastian Clovis and Sabrina Smelko help save the renovations of people who are in over their head.
Ambitious creators of the telegram channel "PPCHMZ" are rapidly gaining hundreds of thousands of subscribers. For them, this is just the beginning: the girls are full of ideas and are not going to stop. However, scandalous revelations and overdue loans await them on their way to fame. A large investor offers to help them get rid of financial problems, whose only condition is to accept Yevgeny Malyshev, a well—known journalist of the old formation in the past - the "conscience of the era of the 2010s" - into the team. Now they will have to make decisions and fight for new subscribers together.
Koushi is in high school, oblivious to the marriage arranged for him at his birth. Enter Momoko Kuzuryuu: airhead martial artist and Koushi's self-proclaimed bride. Her wish for sexual intercourse meets with Koushi's square refusal as he has absolutely no desire to get it on with someone who looks like she could be his little sister, not to mention that he doesn't have the foggiest idea who she actually is. Meanwhile, a war has broken out between the martial arts families. For Koushi, this means that numerous fighters are out to challenge/assassinate him.
Wild Guess was a kid's game show about animals taped in Canada. It was taped in 1988, and it later reran on The Animal Planet Network for one year from 1996-1997.
Blood, Sweat and Gears is an Australian television series that airs on FOX8. It debuted on 18 January 2008, and is hosted by Scott McGregor, and judged by Ian Luff and Nathan Luck. In Season II, Luck was replaced with Samantha Stevens