Ozma is a 2012 Japanese anime television series, based on an unused script from 1980 written by manga author Leiji Matsumoto. The story is set on Earth in the future when abnormal activity on the sun devastates Earth's atmosphere and covers the entire planet in a sea of sand. Sam pursues Ozma, an enemy of his brother. One day, Sam encounters Maya, who is being chased by the Theseus army.
An adventure series set in 1946, two pivotal years before the State of Israel was founded. A seemingly innocent training farm secretly functions as a Strike Forces (Palmach) training base and recruitment center for exceptional teens, as well as a home-base for illegal immigration missions and special ops against the British mandate. The show's heroes are brother and sister Emile and Elinore – fresh off the boat illegal immigrants. The native Israelis initially mock them for their otherness, but soon realize they’re better off sticking together if they want to survive through the exhausting training, the imminent dangers and the surprising secret that comes to light: proof that it is them who can salvage the budding State.
26 year old Yoo Ji Yool has already beat cancer but when it comes back she deals with it differently than before. Her mom wants her to focus on treatment because without it she may only last 6 more months. Ji Yool wants to focus on living the rest of her days on her terms. This happens to include cutting off all her hair and dying it all orange. After running into her ex, Ji Yool causes trouble for Bae Chi-Hwan, a troublemaker who is on his way to meet the married woman he seduced to get money. The two end up helping each other out as their unlikely relationship grows.
An honest and unique look into what it means to be young, black, and in constant pursuit of one's dreams in the heart of South Los Angeles.
Murray, a film lecturer, and Dana, a gynecologist, are 30-something roommates. Their strong friendship is tested when Dana falls in love with a man Murray ditched in a hit-and-run accident.
Ten people are stuck in the Rooster Teeth office with a murderer. All ten people have done something terrible and must pay for there actions. Who will die? Who will survive?
Cellmate Secrets revisits some of the most infamous stories of headline-grabbing criminals. Actress Angie Harmon narrates the series, which reveals new insights and information as former friends, guards, cellmates and lovers give first-hand accounts of their time with the famed felons and defendants.
Tachibana Miyabi is 39-years-old and she hasn't had a boyfriend in 5 years. She enjoys her life as a single woman. She is a doctor and runs her own beauty dermatology clinic. Miyabi is pretty and confident, but at her school reunion, she finds herself being pitied by others for still being single. After the school reunion, she attends a gourmet meeting at a restaurant. There, she talks about her school reunion. At that time, Seiji, the owner of the restaurant, makes a biting remark that she isn't the type popular with men. She becomes upset by the remark, but she accepts his advice.
The life of the wealthy man Naguib Zahi Zarkash, takes an unexpected turn after he discovers the shocking secret of having a son that he knows nothing about. With the help of his servant, he succeeds in reaching three young men, that his son might be one of them.
Tristan and Damar, two people who have been friends for a long time, turn out to be in love with the same woman. One day, an unexpected event changes their lives and Gendis.