'De Kotmadam' was a classic Flemish comedy television series, that aired from 1991 to 2024, meaning the show is the longest running Belgian sitcom in terms of time and amounts of episodes and seasons. The series revolves around Jeanne Piens, who owns a small sweet shop in the centre of Leuven and rents out several rooms of her house to students studying in the city. She is a caring type and loves all her students. Her husband Jef Liefooghe works for the city's gardening department. Except for the last season, their friend Odilon Bonheur, a naïve warden in the local prison, visits regularly to give or seek help.
At East Bank Station, a close-knit team of firefighters must balance a dangerous, high-stress job, personal challenges and professional setbacks.
Just what is it to be an orbit with four different poles? The four different poles — Nick, Wan, Beam, and Wayu — continuously circle around each other, repeatedly clashing and burning in the fire of the collision. However, all four sides are relentless, revelling in the pain and pleasure of hatred and competition... and perhaps, even love.
A cooking variety show exploring the concept of “social dining” where people meet for the first time and become closer while cooking, eating, and talking together.
A four-part erotic anthology series set in the streets of Manila.
Jim and Julia are happily divorced, co-raising their kids while staying best friends and close confidants. But the situation gets hilariously more complicated when the owner of Jim's favorite sports team enters the picture... and wins Julia's heart.
A web series about the coming of age of a recently out college student. We follow his journey through gay hook up culture in Philadelphia as he finds himself after "the closet."
Ilumina is a fantasy-themed Philippine drama series about witchcraft, demonic possession,and sorcery directed by Mark A. Reyes and distributed by GMA Network. It premiered on August 2, 2010. The Show is Mentioned On Bubble Gang's Sketch, Cheche Bureche alongside Luna Mystika
'Kingdom of Dreams' is a stunning four-part series chronicling three critical decades of the fashion world, from the early 1990s through to the 2010s. Described as a Golden Age, this period of time was an era of disruption and innovation as the traditional fashion business bumped heads against the young and exciting international visionaries who were shaking up the industry. Using rare library material, never-before-seen personal archives and story-driven interviews, explore a pivotal time in fashion history up close.
The lives of the aristocratic Lindhof family and their servants from 1798 to 1907.
When a young serving police officer's father is released from jail after serving a sentence for murder, her investigations into his crime take her on a dark voyage of discovery.
Hard Copy is an American tabloid news television show that ran in syndication from 1989 to 1999. Hard Copy was aggressive in its use of questionable material on television, including gratuitous violence. The original hosts of Hard Copy were Alan Frio and Terry Murphy; Barry Nolan joined the series in 1990 and stayed until 1998. In the show's final season, current KFMB sports director Kyle Kraska took over as host.