This food travelogue show hosted by a popular comedy duo, Bananaman introduces delicious dishes recommended by locals throughout Japan. Himura Yuki, Shitara Osamu, and guests travel the country door-to-door gleaning information known only to local citizens, making incredible gourmet discoveries, and introducing the charms of each locale.
Delicious Romance follows three urban beauties whose lives reflect to varying degrees the intimacy between contemporary men and women. Among them, Liu Jing is a perfectionist food blogger who is extremely picky when it comes to finding a partner. Divorced anchor Fang Xin is troubled by love despite her outstanding looks. Xia Meng is a corporate powerhouse whose success has made her boyfriend feel insecure. These women who have experienced hardships in business, oppression in the workplace and setbacks in their relationships come to have a new understanding towards life.
Tortured thespian Steven Toast relocates to the ultimate actor's playground - Hollywood. Surely this time he will get the adulation he so richly deserves.
At a major university, the first woman of color to become chair tries to meet the dizzying demands and high expectations of a failing English department.
Delve deep with this series that explores everything from supernatural creatures and unsolved crimes to horrific conspiracies that both baffle and fascinate. This investigative series explores the lesser-known, often terrifying stories you've never heard.
Elite sprinters navigate training, media scrutiny and fierce competition in this sports series following their race to become the world's fastest humans.
A comedy about an aspiring actress who enlists the help of her uncle, a casting agent, in order to land her breakthrough role, because the last thing she wants is to end up being an extra like her father.
Twenty-two of the most iconic, boldest, and fiercest Challenge All Stars from the original The Real World and Road Rules return for a second chance at the ultimate competition as they vie for their shot at the $500,000 grand prize. Follow the competitors as they face unprecedented, over-the-top challenges set in the Andes Mountains of Argentina.
An expository travel around planet Earth with the whole family. Travel across exotic locations, while being interesting for children at the same time.
During a turbulent time from 1915 to 1921, Chen Du Xiu and Li Da Zhao, along with other like-minded individuals, founded the Magazine La Jeunesse that started the New Culture Movement. The magazine promoted science and democracy and revolutionized the thinking of the masses and encouraged them to fight against imperialism that has been ingrained in everyone. The series follows a colorful cast with various well-known authors, politicians, and revolutionists as they all try in their own way to save their country.
Child of divorced parents, Louis 12 years old, has two of everything - two homes, two sets of parents, two step siblings, two rooms and soon two personalities, because life feels pretty schizophrenic.
Selena Gomez is at the top of her game as a musical artist, actor, businesswoman, and philanthropist, but she calls in the experts to help amp up her kitchen skills for the holidays. This year she has invited all-star chefs Eric Adjepong, Alex Guarnaschelli, Michael Symon, and Claudette Zepeda to bring their favorite dishes and culinary wisdom to her home kitchen so they can cook up perfect holiday meals to share with friends and family.
Wakana Sakai was involved in music, but gave it up one day. Konatsu Miyamoto loves singing and can't be torn from it. Sawa Okita would do anything for her closest friends. They laugh, they fight, they worry, they love... Through their very ordinary lives, little by little the girls learn to move forward. Sometimes they feel as if they can't go on alone, but as long as they have their friends, they believe they'll make it someday. Wakana, Konatsu, Sawa, and the music they make in their ensemble weave a tiny but dazzling story of the power of music.
The anthology horror series follows 25-year-old Atticus Freeman, who joins up with his friend Letitia and his Uncle George to embark on a road trip across 1950s Jim Crow America to find his missing father. They must survive and overcome both the racist terrors of white America and the malevolent spirits that could be ripped from a Lovecraft paperback.
Seishiro Tokai (Kazunari Ninomiya) works as a surgeon at a university hospital. He possesses excellent technique with suture and carries a surgery success rate of 100%. Due to his arrogant attitude and personality, he comes into conflict with those around him. A new doctor tries to introduce the latest medical device for surgery, which doesn't need a surgeon's hand. Seishiro Tokai is skeptical of the device. He faces the university hospital administration and reveals corruption and hidden past behind the medical device.
The three-part complementary series features eminent scientists, theologians and conservationists discussing the environmental and conservation issues at stake and asks how much of the world revealed in Planet Earth will ever be seen again.
A woman running a bar in New York City while trying to maintain a romance with an egotistical opinion columnist.