The story is set in Nagasaki prefecture in Minami Shimabara city, the fabled origin of the Shimabara Rebellion that sent shockwaves through all of Japan in the early Edo period. It is also where a third-year junior high school student named Shirou spends his days with his school friends. One summer day, Shirou's older childhood friend Akane returns to Minami Shimabara from Tokyo. Shirou and Akane take a stroll around Minami Shimabara with another longtime friend, Tokiya. While these friends are dealing with nostalgia and more complex feelings, a mysterious creature named Goron suddenly appears before them. This encounter with a mere little creature causes great events to unfold once more in this city...
This world is all about do or die. There ain't no paradise. You go down once and you're out. This world is filled with people who suffer believing that. Hey, you there. Are you really going to pretend not to notice? We, however, cannot do that. Let us wipe away your tears. We'll put that smile back on your face. But it's not going to be for free. Please come by Bar F. Have no fear. We don't need any money. There's only one thing that we want... "We'll take your heart!!"
Pi has a crush on Mueang Nan, one of the hottest students in the Allied Health Sciences Department, but since he is not confident enough about his looks, he is helpless. That is, until Duen and his friends help him get a makeover to boost his confidence. When Pi finally has the guts to approach his crush, he meets his love rival, Mork. Pi has tried to surpass Mork in everything to get Nan's attention but he is not lucky enough to beat him. However, everything changes when Pi starts to feel a different set of feelings towards Mork, making things more complicated.
The Last Precinct is an American comedy series that aired on NBC from January to May 1986 on Friday Night at 9:00pm. The series stars Adam West as Capt. Rick Wright, leading a group of misfit police academy rejects. The pilot for the Stephen J. Cannell series debuted after Super Bowl XX in 1986, but the show was canceled within two months of its April premiere. This was the only sitcom from Stephen J. Cannell Productions.
Nilou, Malick and Adanne are best friends and seem to share everything, yet they have more faith in their smartphone - the carrier of all their personal information - than in their friendship. When they discover that their phones have been hacked, nothing seems certain. They want to do everything they can to keep their secrets from being publicized, but with a hacker lurking, sending them challenging assignments in exchange for their privacy, the three friends are confronted with their darkest fears and secrets.
Phugun has never dated anyone, doesn't even know what love would look like. One day, Cirrus, a handsome, cold man nicknamed The Ice Prince walks into his life. Cirrus presents himself as Phugun's boyfriend from a parallel world and tells Phugun he's the most important person in his life.
Widowed for 18 years, Du Ruyu is determined to marry her four daughters into "good" families. To achieve this, she bears enormous financial pressure to buy a house in the capital, hoping her daughters could all have a marriage that's "suited to their social and economic status (with rich or noble men)". However, instead of the ideal wealthy son-in-laws, a series of unexpected young men have inexplicably intruded into their lives: the sheepish Lu Buping, who is a military officer's son; the foolish yet arrogant heir of a prince; the Fourth Prince, who is oblivious to social cues but naturally kind; and Li Tengyun, who is full of positive energy but always messing up. None of these men meet Du Ruyu's standards, yet they are getting closer and closer to her daughters...
Eden 1 rules over about 50 planets throughout the galaxy. With the aid of his two faithful retainers Duke Sukedo and Baron Kakusu, Prince Mito decides to undertake a royal inspection tour of the planets undercover. However, the empire is a dangerous place and is plagued with vice feudal lords and corrupt space merchants, as well as other evil people. Using the royal family's weapon, the combining robot Daiohja, Prince Mito punishes any kind of villians that are within Eden 1's empire.
Wildest Middle East explores the most remote and most surprising corners of this ancient land. Turkey’s vast and varied landscapes range from snow covered mountain passes, to spectacular coral reefs. Arabia is the world’s largest peninsular and harbours a wealth of wildlife in its seas and mountains. Egypt’s rich lands are nurtured by the life-giving waters of the iconic Nile, and the startlingly wide range of natural habitats in Jordan has resulted in a treasure chest of wildlife. This stunning series showcases the landscape and wildlife as never seen before.