Free Willy is an animated television series, inspired by the 1993 film of the same name. This television series was produced by Warner Bros. Television, Regency Enterprises and the Canadian company Nelvana for Warner Bros. Studios. The show, which aired for one season on American Broadcasting Company, continues the adventures of the orca Willy and Jesse, the boy who freed him from captivity as shown in the film. In retrospect, the series also anticipates multiple plot elements of the film sequel, Free Willy 2: The Adventure Home, released the following summer. The overarching conflict is reminiscent of Moby-Dick: a powerful oil baron, known to the main characters only as a cyborg called "The Machine" until the final episodes, loses his arm and part of his face to Willy while committing an environmental atrocity and wants revenge upon "that rotten whale... and his boy".
Lomax, the Hound of Music is a PBS Kids TV series that brings together puppets, humans, live music and animation to promote musical education for children ages 3–7. Created by Christopher Cerf, Norman Stiles and Louise Gikow, and produced by Sirius Thinking, Ltd., Eyevox, Inc., and Connecticut Public Television, Lomax first aired in December 2008, and immediately gained a reputation as a show that follows in the tradition of acclaimed educational children's TV series like Sesame Street, and Between the Lions. Lomax, the Hound of Music follows the adventures of Lomax, a good-natured, melody-obsessed puppet pooch, his feline sidekick Delta, and their human companion, Amy, on a tune-filled train ride crisscrossing the musical landscape of America. With the help - and full participation - of real kids on the train, on location, and the viewers at home, Lomax and his friends track down the wonderful songs that form the heart of our nation's diverse musical heritage.
From the perspective of an explorer, the play tells the heroic story of Liang Chen, the chief of the reconnaissance section of a certain division of the Volunteer Army, who led a reconnaissance company as a vanguard during the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and repeatedly relied on superior strategies and tactics to fight the US military.
Dumbo's Circus was a live-action/puppet television series that aired on Disney Channel, featuring the character of Dumbo from the original film. The series was in production for three and a half seasons, and reruns continued to air until February 28, 1997. Many of the show's cast went on to star in the popular Christian radio series, Adventures in Odyssey.
Eden 1 rules over about 50 planets throughout the galaxy. With the aid of his two faithful retainers Duke Sukedo and Baron Kakusu, Prince Mito decides to undertake a royal inspection tour of the planets undercover. However, the empire is a dangerous place and is plagued with vice feudal lords and corrupt space merchants, as well as other evil people. Using the royal family's weapon, the combining robot Daiohja, Prince Mito punishes any kind of villians that are within Eden 1's empire.
Nien was separated from her infant boy Dang-Noi, when she was sent to work for Khun (Lord) Pak-Dee-Phu-Ban as part of a debt payment.
Ten year-old Patrick is a computer whiz. One day, through a computer game at the local shop, he receives a bizarre invitation to become a contestant on a million dollar game show. But the TV channel and the game don’t exist—or do they? Patrick accepts the invitation and so begins a series of journeys across the time barrier into a new dimension full of strange characters, baffling encounters and the ever-present danger of fading away before returning to his own world. Based on the book Finders Keepers by Emily Rodda.
Mr Don & Mr George was a Channel 4 sitcom, featuring two characters from the Scottish comedy sketch show Absolutely. Moray Hunter and Jack Docherty played two unrelated characters who happened to share a surname. Hunter and Docherty wrote the series and it was made by their production company, Absolutely Productions. The humour was surreal and often featured ridiculous visual gags and wordplay. A single six-episode series was made, and was first broadcast in the UK on Channel 4 in 1993. The series was released on VHS in the 1990s. A single VHS tape was released with all six episodes on as well. This tape stated that it had the entire first series on one tape, however no further series were made.
Li Yao, a genius craftsman, has been unable to break through the bottleneck due to the low development of his psychic powers, and then he obtained 40,000 years of cultivation by chance. Knowledge, thus opened up, but still missed the joint entrance examination. With the encouragement of friends and mentors, relying on his willpower to regain the opportunity to participate in the joint entrance examination, he finally entered the university of his choice and entered the story of realizing his dream of becoming a craftsman.
Biopic of Bozena Nemcová, a famous Czech 19th century writer and feminist, focused on her complicated on-off relationship with her husband Josef Nemec.
The next generation of elite chefs face the toughest job interview yet as they seek to be named head chef at the brand-new restaurant at the Flamingo Las Vegas.