Kevin Gillis
Kevin Gillis
Top Movie Crew
Universal Soldier II: Brothers in ArmstrueProduction
The Christmas RaccoonstrueDirecting
The Nutcracker PrincetrueProduction
The Raccoons on IcetrueDirecting
The Raccoons: Let's Dance!trueProduction
The Raccoons: Let's Dance!trueDirecting
The Raccoons: Let's Dance!trueWriting
The Raccoons on IcetrueWriting
The Raccoons on IcetrueProduction
The Raccoons and the Lost StartrueCrew
The Christmas RaccoonstrueWriting
The Christmas RaccoonstrueCrew
The Christmas RaccoonstrueProduction
The Raccoons on IcetrueCrew
Universal Soldier III: Unfinished BusinesstrueProduction
The Raccoons and the Lost StartrueProduction
The Raccoons and the Lost StartrueDirecting
The Raccoons and the Lost StartrueWriting
The Raccoons and the Lost StartrueSound
Producing ParkertrueProduction