Jean-Loup Felicioli
Jean-Loup Felicioli
Top Movie Crew
A Cat in ParistrueDirecting
The Little Circus and Other TalestrueDirecting
A Knife Among the ForkstrueDirecting
One Hell of a PlantrueDirecting
The Cat's RegrettrueDirecting
Nina and the Hedgehog's SecrettrueDirecting
Nina and the Hedgehog's SecrettrueProduction
Nina and the Hedgehog's SecrettrueArt
Sculpture, SculpturestrueDirecting
Mauvais tempstrueDirecting
One Hell of a PlantrueWriting
The WalltrueVisual Effects
Le nez à la fenêtretrueWriting
Le nez à la fenêtretrueDirecting
Sculpture, SculpturestrueWriting
Mauvais tempstrueProduction
Keeping MumtrueVisual Effects
Uncanny StoriestrueWriting
Uncanny StoriestrueDirecting
In the Light of the MoontrueVisual Effects
John of the MoontrueVisual Effects
Miller, You're SleepingtrueVisual Effects
Profile Images
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