Tsuneo Kobayashi
Tsuneo Kobayashi
Top Movie Crew
Schoolgirl RecordstrueDirecting
Mid-August CommotiontrueDirecting
Two Lives, Two YakuzatrueDirecting
The Seven Faces of Bannai Tarao, Private EyetrueDirecting
The Deep Blue SeatrueDirecting
The Ghost of the One Eyed MantrueDirecting
Moonlight MasktrueDirecting
Four Hours of TerrortrueDirecting
Moonlight Mask: Duel to the Death in Dangerous WaterstrueDirecting
Jet Air Base 101trueDirecting
Excursion to Treasure IsletrueDirecting
The Boy Detectives Club – The No-Headed MantrueDirecting
Points and LinestrueDirecting
The World's Most Noble Guy: Taro's RushtrueDirecting
Element of SurprisetrueDirecting
Jinsei Gekijo: dai ichi butrueDirecting
The World's Most Noble Guy: Taro's EternitytrueDirecting
Three-Headed TowertrueDirecting