Jean-Jacques Prunès
Jean-Jacques Prunès
Top Movie Cast
Ferdinand, Battlefield Rattrue Top Movie Crew
Hollow LandtrueVisual Effects
Flowing HometrueVisual Effects
The King of the Misty ForesttrueDirecting
Ferdinand, Battlefield RattrueDirecting
Ferdinand, Battlefield RattrueWriting
Mendelssohn is on the RooftrueWriting
Mendelssohn is on the RooftrueDirecting
Mendelssohn is on the RooftrueArt
Aaron’s Magic VillagetrueArt
Aaron’s Magic VillagetrueArt
Snow White: The SequeltrueArt
Rock-A-DoodletrueVisual Effects
Asterix in BritaintrueVisual Effects
Asterix vs. CaesartrueVisual Effects
Turning TabletrueVisual Effects
King's FooltrueVisual Effects
Robinson and CompanytrueVisual Effects
Mendelssohn is on the RooftrueWriting
Ferdinand, Battlefield RattrueWriting
The King of the Misty ForesttrueWriting
Ferdinand, Battlefield RattrueWriting
Mendelssohn is on the RooftrueWriting
The King of the Misty ForesttrueArt
The King of the Misty ForesttrueWriting