Based on a manga written by Tatsuhiko Yamagami, the story is set in a former seaport town Uobuka, where 6 former criminals were sent to live there by the government, with the intention of re-socialising them. Aside from the few who know about the project, the general townsfolk has no idea of the former convicts' identities. Tsukisue is the pleasant and efficient municipal official put in charge of the programme. As he slowly learns about their past, a body is discovered.
A documentary chronicling Queen and Lambert's incredible journey since they first shared the stage together on "American Idol" in 2009.
Avenged Sevenfold at Cidade do Rock, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on September 22, 2013. Setlist: 01. Shepherd of Fire 02. Critical Acclaim 03. Beast and the Harlot 04. Hail to the King 05. Buried Alive 06. Fiction 07. Nightmare 08. This Means War 09. Afterlife 10. Requiem 11. Bat Country 12. Unholy Confessions
In the 70s, Barsham Faire on August Bank Holiday became a tradition for many to celebrate things 'medieval' and raise funds for local arts events. It put Barsham on the map.
twenty one pilots live at Lollapalooza Brasil, at Autódromo de Interlagos, in São Paulo, on March 25th, 2023.
The 1975 live at Lollapalooza Brasil, at Autódromo de Interlagos, in São Paulo, on March 25th, 2023.
This Traveltalk series short showcases the Mexico City police department's various units as they participate in a yearly festival. Included are a marching band, a parade of patrol cars, the motorcycle unit, equestrian unit, and the department's pistol team.
The story of a boy who has a goldfish as a pet, and the family cat has other plans for the goldfish, and a canary protects it by distracting the cat.
Radiohead's performance at the OpenAir festival in St. Gallen on July 2, 2016 Setlist: 1 - Burn the Witch 2 - Decks Dark 3 - Desert Island Disk 4 - Ful Stop 5 - No Surprises 6 - Weird Fishes/Arpeggi 7 - Everything in Its Right Place 8 - Idioteque 9 - Street Spirit (Fade Out) 10 - Bloom 11 - Paranoid Android 12 - Nude 13 - 2 + 2 = 5 14 - There There 15 - Exit Music (for a Film) 16 - Karma Police
Four girlfriends take a trip to New Orleans for an annual festival and, along the way, rediscover their wild sides and strengthen the bonds of sisterhood.
2013 Viña del Mar concert, one of the greatest concerts ever performed in Chile. Full of classic reggaeton hits and many new block busters.
Setlist: One Step Closer Lying From You Somewhere I Belong No More Sorrow Papercut Points of Authority Given Up Don't Stay From the Inside Leave Out All the Rest Numb Pushing Me Away (Piano Version) Breaking the Habit In the End Crawling What I've Done Encore: The Little Things Give You Away Bleed It Out Faint
Isolated bell-ringer Quasimodo wishes to leave Notre Dame tower against the wishes of Judge Claude Frollo, his stern guardian and Paris' strait-laced Minister of Justice. His first venture to the outside world finds him Esmeralda, a kind-hearted and fearless Romani woman who openly stands up to Frollo's tyranny.
Before opening the door to a new love, it is sometimes necessary to put your head in order... and your apartment...
Three friends decide to hire a prostitute on the day of the Aatukaal Pongala - a Hindu festival in Trivandrum - when their wives are busy.